Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Waiting for God to Respond

    Habakkuk had really hard questions that he threw at God.  God knew what he was doing.  He does not have to answer to us, but He normally gives us something because He loves us.  Habakkuk's prayers were soul questions that needed answers.  God answered the first round immediately, but He waited to answer the second prayer.
    While Habakkuk waited for God to respond, he did not miss a beat.  He confirmed his faith.  He was the lookout for God's people because he was a prophet.  He was not going to abandon his job because he did not have all the answers.  However, he did still expect God to answer his complaints.
    God rewarded Habakkuk in a vision that He wanted recorded.  It was a vision of the end.  God does not lie, so Habakkuk knew it had to be true.  God was telling him that it is better to wait.  He doesn't really want the end to come now.  The end is not late, inflated, building, but it does have its set time.  Continue to live by faith and you will not be sorry.  It is hard to be faithful in evil times, so the reward will be worth it as long as you do not waver.
    God gave Habakkuk five woes for oracles to show him that He is not sitting idly by.  The first is for those who take advantage by plundering and killing people.  The second woe is for the dishonest because they plan against God's work.  The third woe is for those that built their empire on bloodshed.  Injustice fuels God's army to the point that these people will have nothing to show in the end.  This one happened in 539 BC to Babylon.
    The fourth woe is to the people that make fools of other people.  They lead people to disgrace.  It will eventually lead to their own humiliation.  The fifth woe goes to those who lead people away from God either intentionally or through idols.  They are teaching lies.  
    It is time to wake up and see the truth, even if the end has not yet come.  God is Holy.  He is working.  He has the answers and the power.  Go to Him with all your hard and unanswered questions, then wait expectantly.  He will answer in His own way.

Habakkuk 2

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