Saturday, September 17, 2022

Good & Bad Leaders Part 2

    Things of the world are destroyed, stollen, fall apart, ruined, or disappear.  God does not have pity on this.  They are things.  They are not people.  He cares about people.  People typically care about themselves.  How do we bridge that gap?  We need leadership that will fight for what is Biblical, the right path. 
    God will not pity people that reject Him without any compassion.  They will hate Him for that, but He gives an abundance of opportunities for all of us to turn to Him.  If you want to be heard, or feel understood, then you have to do your part.  You have to submit to His authority and learn His ways to be obedient.  You have to have faith in Jesus' death, resurrection, and authority because He did rise again, then ascended to Heaven so there would be witnesses.  It doesn't take that much faith to believe.  Faith will grow in time if nurtured.
    It was foretold that Jesus would be killed for 30 pieces of silver.  It was a lot of money back then, but look at the value today.  Proof that materialism is worthless and Jesus died for that.  It goes much deeper than selfishness or materialism, but circle around with me.  On the surface, He died for something that ultimately was something meaningless.  We know that He died for our sins, but the trigger that kicked started it all was 30 silver coins.  On the deeper side of things, without that sacrifice, life would be hopeless.
    Woe to the leader that leads toward the meaningless.  Leaders are supposed to lead their people toward life giving things.  They are supposed to build their people up and make them strong.  A good leader will lead their people to God.  A bad leader will give money and let people self-destruct.

Zechariah 11

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      God created you for a purpose.  That purpose is not to waste your life, but live it fully with Him.  Every single aspect of your life ...