Sunday, September 4, 2022

Restoration Promised


    Zephaniah acknowledged the world he lived in.  He understood what it meant.  He recorded God's message for the people to give them a chance, even if the message wasn't what they may want to hear.  He faced his responsibility as prophet head on.  
    Woe to the oppressors, rebellers, and the corrupt because they do not obey anyone, but their own desires.  They do not trust or maybe acknowledge God.  This lack of faith leads to their destruction to the point that none will be left.  The punishment is severe because the punishments leading up did not have affect.  Ignoring God always leads to judgment.  
    The message is to have faith and wait upon God.  Stand up and testify the truth and His truth is the only real truth.  It is the only truth that matters.  Come together as God's people because the rest of the world will be consumed.  His faithful will rise again purified.  Sin will be purged.  
    Christians are meant to serve, worship, and give together without any deceit.  There is no shame in this life because it removes personal pride.  The meek and humble will thrive for trusting God.  Your heart can hold gladness and rejoicing because it doesn't have to fear.  This is the love of God and it is mighty.  You get to spend eternity with Him in His security.  The redeemed are promised these seven things.

Zephaniah 3

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