Thursday, September 15, 2022

Zion's King


    Zechariah begins with eight visions.  Then the Word comes to him with sermons.  Now Zechariah is on his poetic part of his book.  That means some aspects are left to decipher, but the general truth is unyielding: God's strength and a new king ruling Jerusalem.
    The enemy of God's people, is the enemy of God.  God is their judge.  When that day comes, it will not be pretty.  God first offers salvation.  His offer of salvation is the opportunity to be a part of His nation, to be one of His people.  The offer is to everyone because we are all the enemy until we accept that offer.  Anyone who refuses will be treated as an oppressor: enemy of God.
    Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey.  It was the most humble royal entrance into one's kingdom.  He did it knowing what He would be facing, but He did it anyway to give us all a chance.  His humble entrance proclaimed peace.  His reign includes peace for the Gentiles, not just the Jews.  We all have a decision to make: life of faith or independence.  To follow God is to be under His protection.
    The power of Jesus is unimaginable.  Who could withstand the brutality that He did, then die on command, and still raise themselves from death well beyond the expiration date of resurrection.  He returned fully intact and more.  When we are with Him, we become more.   

Zechariah 9

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