Sunday, October 23, 2022

How Jesus' Ministry Began


    Matthew began the record of Jesus with his conception.  He skimmed over things, but included the birth and some of the childhood for important context.  He did focus on Jesus' ministry.  He broke it up into about four sections.  Mark more or less jumps right into Jesus' ministry.
    Mark begins with the Prophet Isaiah to point out some truths.  Jesus was here in the beginning, when the world was created.  He has always been here.  He just was not in human form.  He is eternal just like God the father and the Holy Spirt.  They just have different aspect.  Once you can except that, then the rest is little easier to believe.  
    John was the messenger whom purpose was to clear a straight path for Jesus.  This caused him to attract attention and indicates that he had a bulldozer personality, even though he was humble.  He was eccentric for sure.  He cleared the path for Jesus, so that when Jesus was ready to begin his ministry the path was laid.  The door was open.  
    John preached baptism and repentance and forgiveness without apologizing if that the truth stepped on people's toes.   In reality, his message was a message on how to find peace.  It should not have offended people, but when people's sins are put in the spot light they tend to get overly sensitive and defensive.  This got John put into prison.
    Jesus' ministry began with preparation and internally.  His first step of his ministry was baptism.  This tore open Heaven for a moment for God to speak and the Holy Spirit descend.  This moment changed everything.  It was the door officially opening for salvation to begin.  Once Jesus came out of the water, the Holy Spirit led him into the desert to fast for 40 days and nights.  Once that was complete, Satan came to tempt Jesus.  This ties in Elijah's experience for reference.
    That is how Jesus' ministry began.  It was not public.  It was an announcement, then display (Baptism), then communion with God (fasting), then facing yourself (temptation).  It ended with the angels coming to him to tend to him and make him strong for the work to come.  From this moment on, life would not have many peaceful moments for him. 
    Jesus began his active ministry in Galilee (where he more or less ended it too).  He proclaimed the good news and began to claim his apostles.  He started with Simon and his brother, Andrew.  Then he found James and John.  All four were fisherman who dropped everything to follow Jesus.  They dropped their careers (or businesses) and everything that was considered normal to follow this unique man.  (They didn't understand that Jesus was the Messiah).  They adopted his values as their own.
    Jesus began his active ministry gathering a support group near him.  It was a give and take relationship.  They gave him support and he taught them more than they could ever realize that he could.  
    Next, Jesus began to publicly speak.  He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath to teach the truth in the way that it was true.  He never manipulated the truth to suite whatever purpose he wanted to influence people toward. With Jesus, truth is truth.  
    About the same time of the public speaking came the miracles.  There was a man there that was possessed by an evil spirit.  He cried out because he knew who Jesus was and he was afraid.  Jesus called out the evil spirit.  His authority amazed all the onlookers.  They could not believe that the evil spirit listened to a man's command.  The news of Jesus really began to spread at this point.
    Simon's (Peter) mother-in-law was ill, so Jesus healed her.   After that, people were always wanting Jesus to heal them or a loved one.  He healed the sick and the possessed.  He healed more than we will ever know.  She also displayed ministry.  Once she was healed, she immediately began to serve.  When you appreciate help or love someone, service should be natural.  The type of service depends on the person's gifts and personality.  On top of that, Peter's family supported his ministry.
    Jesus did heal, but he was also trying to teach them that it is only temporary.  Everyone dies, so we need to make sure our souls are healed.  Jesus showed genuine compassion because he loved the people.  He loves us, but we need to worry about our eternal soul more than our current body.  That is why he was determined to preach, more than heal.  We all need to understand the importance.
    Jesus had to find ways for solitude.  His popularity meant he could not go into town without a swarm.  It also meant that he needed alone time with God.  It may have been more about teaching us how to take time out for our relationship with God, but I like to think that it was special moments between father and son.  We just get the benefits of learning the importance.  
Mark 1

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