Friday, October 28, 2022

To be Commissioned


    To be commissioned into service of Jesus is a great honor, but also a great responsibility.  You are agreeing to face the wrongs of the world and try to make them right, even if it cost you your life.  Your number one job is to tell the world about Jesus and how He can change everything.
    The wisdom of Jesus is astonishing.  It is beyond anything that any of us could come up with on our own.  However, it tends to offend people that don't understand or just don't like change.  People who lack faith don't like his message.
    Jesus knew that we should never face the evils of the world on our own.  He commissioned his 12 apostles to prepare them for what they would face.  It empowered them with the power of God, so that they could go into the world as representatives of Jesus.  That means they gave his message.  They were able to perform miracles, but miracles directly correlate to the amount of faith a person has.  
    Jesus knew the world was to dangerous to go out alone.  He sent his disciples out in pairs to support, pray, and protect one another.  It also helps to have conversation, a good friend, companionship, and an someone you trust to keep you accountable.  The message was their testimony and repentance.
    Their lives were kept simple, almost no material things to weigh them down in the world or hold them back from their job.  They only went where they were welcome and walked away from those whom did not.  They didn't have time to get all torn up over being rejected.  Them being rejected is actually the people rejecting Jesus.  
    These were the first missionaries.  They were the trail blazers.  Once they finished their work, they would return to Jesus and give him a full report of all that they did.  Once they gave their report, Jesus ordered them to go somewhere remote to rest.  We all need to take time to replenish.
    John the Baptist had cleared the way.  He had been the first example of being commissioned to live a life for Jesus.  He was commissioned in the womb.  He also was the first martyr for Jesus.  He displayed what the full circle could look like, so that if you were not prepared, then do not get commissioned.  We were never promised an easy life or death.  At least John's death was quick.
    Herod heard stories of Jesus and his disciples and became afraid.  He thought that John had returned from the dead.  He had enjoyed listening to John, but never took what John said to heart.  He never sought understanding, so he took what he heard and twisted it into something scary in his head when it was not about him at all.  
    Jesus took care of everyone around him, including the people that hated him.  He taught, healed, removed evil.  One day it was time to eat and there was a very large crowd.  Jesus would never send them away without receiving what they needed.  He divided them into sections.  
    Jesus had his disciples feed 5,000 men.  There was not enough food for many, but somehow everyone had enough to eat.  No one left hungry and there were plenty of left overs. The apostles would have sent them away, but Jesus taught them what it meant to have compassion and what can happen when you give compassion.  Don't focus on what you do not have, but the need.  Have faith, it will be taken care of through prayer.
    To be commissioned means a life of service, even if you do not always understand what your service will accomplish.  You never know what good could come from it.  It also requires you to become courageous to do the impossible and not to fear the unknown.  It can only be accomplished through humility, faith, and prayer.

Mark 6


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