Thursday, October 27, 2022

Spiritual Healing


    If you take a step back and put yourself in the story as an apostle who is right there witnessing Jesus doing the impossible.  Remove all that you know about the ending, so you can really embrace every part of the gospels.  You have to understand the culture.  To the Pharisees it was ritual, like cleanliness is next to godliness.  That is not actually Biblical.  It is a good thing to try to be clean, but it can be misleading.  
    The point I am trying to make is read the Bible with a fresh eyes and heart.  Remove all the sermons, lecture, and readings so that you can put yourself into the story and get what Jesus is trying to tell you.  It could really open your eyes.  This is just a guide to help you and me in our journey with God and our lives here and now.
    We need to wake up in the morning ready to face what the world throws at us.  That means anything.  It does not work if we wake up exhausted and dreading the day.  It is harmful to run from our problems, stressors, and other things that we just don't want to face.  It leaves you vulnerable.  It puts the pressure on people that already have their hands full.  It leaves a weak chink in the Christian armor.  Over all it is dangerous.  We need to face evil and we need to do it together to be strong.
    Remember the world is watching how you handle the life's unpleasant situations.  You are a witness even when you try not to be.  You might as well speak up and give your testimony.  Trust that God has your back when you face opposition of all kinds.
    You can face evil.  You can face those that are possessed.  Don't put your head in the sand.  It does still happen.  We normally call it being mentally ill because we don't know the signs anymore.  We don't understand or have confidence to handle such situations.  We allow the possessed to live out life in a living hell.  
    ( I am not endorsing anyone to go out and fight the spiritual world.  I am encouraging you not to hide and seek God's wisdom.  This is not something to play around or dabble with.  Evil Spirits are dangerous and strong.  )
    There is mental illness and it is different from possession or being tormented by evil spirits.  Unless you are empowered by the Holy Spirit with the gift of discernment, this is not something your should face.  Unless led by the Holy Spirit, it is not something you should try to do alone.  When two or three come together, there is strength in prayer and unity.  We are not Jesus, but Jesus did command his disciples to go out and cast out demons.  The church has stopped teaching how, but Jesus has not.  
    Jesus is still offering Spiritual healing.  Those who have their spirit healed have power in their testimony.   Our spirit can be healed at the moment of salvation.  You don't have to be tormented from the past anymore.  You can let it go.  Jesus is offering all sorts of healing, but the spirit being saved from evil is His goal.  It is your choice.  He will never force you.  

Mark 5

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