Sunday, November 27, 2022

Authority Challenged Part 2


    Jesus is the ultimate authority in this world.  We don't have to like what he says, but we do have to respect it.  We are required to change our ways to honor him, not vise versa.  I know that may be a hard concept to get behind.  After all we live in a right now world of where if  I want it, then I am going to get it.  We don't think too much about consequences or that we may be challenging authority that we don't have a right to challenge.   
    Throughout the gospel books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) Jesus is teaching us.  He was literally teaching people that were around him, but he is still teaching us today.  It is amazing that the context never changes, but still hits home today.  Only the authority of God could have that kind of power.  People who do not understand challenge his authority by challenging those of us that follow him.  It is easy to get tripped up or not feel confident, but follow Jesus' examples and you can be a strong spokesperson for him.  Lean on his authority, no your own.
    Jesus used his power to get people to think normally by using parables.  He test every heart, so that each person can see who they are at the core.  Not everyone is open for that kind of transparency, not even with themselves, to allow God to lay out their heart.  They will get angry and defensive to keep it hidden.  
    Refusing to respect Jesus doesn't change anything.  Facts are still facts:  Jesus won't force you to do anything.  That means he won't make you take a real look at yourself, even though it would benefit you more than anything else in this life.  He won't force you to respect or honor his authority, but that only hurts you because Jesus is the cornerstone to Heaven.  To fight against him is to bring your own downfall upon yourself.  It call comes down to your heart.
    You can't steal from God.  That means that you can't live however you want to now and expect a place in heaven.  Just because you understand who Jesus is, does not ensure you a place in Heaven.  We don't earn our place, but our faith does.  A person that had true faith will live under Jesus' authority and respect for the boundaries of the relationship.  If you defy, resist, or even rebel against His authority then you may not have a place in Heaven.  The only way you will know for sure is if you take the deep look within to figure out why you are challenging his authority.
    Jesus has the power to silence the wicked heart, but since he is pure love, he gives people time to figure things out.  He allowed them to question him and scheme because it served a larger purpose.  Jesus is the God of the living.  He wants you to live.  He wants you to thrive.  He wants you to grow in a relationship with him and that would not happen if we all died as soon as we sinned.  He sits at God's right hand, but he is here in God's Word still working on those willing to read and pray over it.
    Cruel and hypocritical people will be not enter Heaven.  They will face the life they chose to live.  They will not escape punishment.  That is why some of the parables are confusing.  Those that act righteous, but it is only for show, will feel the heat of those type of parables.  Jesus was warning us not to be like them.  If you have a pure heart, then not all parables may apply to you at the time you read them.   Pray over them and ask for wisdom.
     An example is the parable of the woman with seven husbands.  The point is not that she got passed around because she married into a family that was dying off.  The point is that when in heaven we all will love equally.  We all will be equal.  It doesn't take away from the relationships we have now.  It means that the relationships will continue in their purest form.  Titles will be gone.  Anything that causes any type of separation will be gone.  We will live in harmony, sync, and pure love.  

Luke 20

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