Saturday, November 26, 2022

Jesus' Love


    Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector in Jericho.  He was a small man in more than character.  You know that he got his cut from all the other tax collector because that is what was expected.  It does not mean that he was happy in life.  It just means that he had money.  
    When Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was coming he wanted to get a glimpse of the man.  Zacchaeus climbed a tree because he was so short and people didn't like him enough to move for him.  When Jesus was passing the tree Zacchaeus was in they made eye contact.  Jesus saw something that none of us would have.  Jesus declared that he was going to have lunch at Zacchaeus' house.  
    This shocked the people.  Out of everyone, Jesus chose to go to the biggest sinner's house.  The man that stole from all of them.  The crowd became loud with commotion over the news. Jesus had to make an announcement that he was there for those whom are lost and want to be found.  
    This impacted them, but not as much as it impacted Zacchaeus.  The encounter convicted him to change.  He would not longer steal from people to line his own pockets.  He was determined not to sin anymore and he would do what he could to make right where he had sinned.  Only Jesus' love could bring about that kind of change with one encounter.  We all reap what we sow, so he would still have to deal with people not liking or trusting him.  However, in time he would become a man of good standing and earn his rewards in Heaven.  Salvation changed him.
    There will always be critical and judgmental people, even in the church.  We are people.  We are flawed.  However, we should all strive to have an encounter of love like Zacchaeus.  Jesus is the only one that loves us enough to bring about real change.  We chose what to do with what has been given.  If we reject it, then we will lose everything that matters.  If we accept it, then we will receive more.
    Staying in sin saddens Jesus.  He wants each and every person to accept the invitation of salvation.  He gave so much to make it possible.  An arrogant or superior attitude kills love.  It stifles it because love can't breathe, so it withers.  He loves us all so much that he entered Jerusalem just as the prophesied in Zechariah 9:9.  He entered knowing exactly what was coming.  He entered with a royal welcome and in a matter of days he would be killed.  He would not leave again until after his resurrection.  
    He loved them so much that he wept when he entered the city because they didn't see God.   He went directly to God's Houses  to clean it out and start his last sermons.   Jesus spoke the truth to all that would listen.  The truth has a way of making people angry because when it is said out loud it demands accountability and change.  Not everyone is willing to do that.  People rejected Jesus, so don't be surprised when it happens now.  No one has to accept his gift of peace.  Just don't let those people steal your peace.  

Luke 19

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