Tuesday, November 29, 2022

How to be Prepared


    Jesus is salvation, so from the beginning of his ministry (His Baptism) to the end of his ministry (His Ascension) he was teaching us how to be prepared for eternity.  It starts with faith, then declaring your faith with baptism, then it goes to educating yourself, then teaching others, and never stop preparing yourself and other people.  It includes honoring holidays and vacationing so that our bodies and minds can get much needed rest.  When you get baptized, you need to start honoring the Lord's Supper.  Jesus displayed all this in his last night as a free man.
    The priest and teachers of God's laws feared Jesus.  He challenged everything they understood and had defined as what was right in the world.  They had taken God's laws and used them to make themselves look and feel better.  They basically declared that they did not sin, but all they were doing is hiding their sin and leading others to their ruin.  Jesus was putting a stop to that.  For that reason, they wanted him dead.  If they silence him, then he can't hurt them.
    They used one of the 12 apostles to get their desire accomplished: Judas.  They opened the door, but his true heart was revealed.  It left an opening for Satan to enter.  Once Satan was in his heart, he betrayed Jesus with no hang ups.  He even maneuvered it where there would be no crowds which is what the Pharisees feared (rebellion or uprising).   The church leaders feared his popularity.
    Jesus was fully aware of what was happening.  He knew the moment that Satan entered Judas' heart, but instead of removing him he used it as a teaching opportunity.  Jesus warned his followers.  They just didn't understand.  They were confused and more interested in who would betray Jesus than the fact that Jesus was being betrayed.  They also got hung up on who was the best among them.  They cared, but their focus was on the wrong thing.  That is why we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    Jesus knew all their faults and still loved them and us.  He appreciated their loyalty during the trials.  He had chosen 12 to represent the 12 tribes of Israel, but in Heaven.  They were all Jews, but once Judas was removed we got Paul.  Paul was a Jew, but he was the representative for all the Gentiles.
    Satan went after Peter.  He was sifted (tried) and it was intense.  I am sure that he would have prayed if he really understood what was happening.  Jesus knew what was happening to him and prayed that his faith grew strong.  Jesus was praying for his very soul to stay intact.  He expected Peter to help the others after his death and ascension to keep going.  None of them understood, but they would soon.  
    With understanding comes the full impact of the truth.  It is the same for us.  We can enjoy church, but once we become Christians the truth becomes clear along with the responsibility.  Jesus just wants the best for all of us, including the transition.  Growth requires humility and self-sacrifice.
    We are all tested and endure trials.  Sometimes we are victorious.  Sometimes we fall into the temptation for various reason.  Just know that when we fall, we are hurting ourselves and it will take redemptive prayer to heal.  Satan wants to hurt us, but sometimes he just shows us are weak spots that we need to work on.  Jesus will test us.  Satan throws us into trials.  Each reveals our hearts, but with Jesus it is out of love and with Satan it is out of hate.
    Be patient and stand loyally next to Jesus especially when it is hard.  Life is full of spiritual battles and you are a warrior.  That doesn't mean that you need to charge into every single battle.  It also means that you need to defend yourself and not just let life take you anywhere like a riptide.  Serve God and arm yourself with His armor so that you can fight when you need to.  Pray not to fall into temptation.  Jesus even prayed not to have to face what he was entering, but was willing to fulfill the prophecy even in the cruelest of ways.  He prayed so hard that his sweat had blood in it.  That is intense, but he was determined to endure the time of deep suffering.  
    When it came time to face it, Jesus faced it honorably.  He faced the guards head on and complied to avoid unnecessary blood shed, but not without calling them out for being cowards for doing it in the dead of night.  The dark of night was Satan's time of dominion.    He tries to cause spiritual ruin.  Peter was influenced enough to cut the right ear off a soldier, but Jesus stopped him from any real harm and healed the soldier.  The encounter forever changed that man's life.  We are not to be victims, but we are also not called to cause bloodshed.  
    By dawn, Peter had denied knowing Jesus three times as he had been told he would by Jesus.  On the third time, Jesus looked Peter in the eye.  It wasn't so much a "I told you so" look, but I think it was more of pity and forgiveness.  Jesus knew how much that it would haunt Peter.  Peter wept bitterly as Jesus was beaten and mocked.  Through all this and his illegal trial, Jesus showed us how to live our our testimony.  It is our greatest defense.  If it has been the plan, then he would have walked out.  Instead, Jesus sacrificed himself teaching us priorities and willingness to die for the faith.

Luke 22

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