Wednesday, November 30, 2022



    We all know that we do not live in a just world.  It has not been perfect since the fall. Jesus came into the world when we needed him most.  He faced corruption and called it out.  He then went through the corruption to show us how to live a full and thriving life in this world.  He then endured the corruption in three trials that were a farce.  They were basically illegal, but it happened to allow the ultimate defeat to corruption.  Corruption basically destroys itself and will come to an end once it appears like it has won.
    The church leaders broke the law by arresting Jesus at night and putting him under trial before the world even woke up.  Then they passed him off to Pilate basically telling him to execute Jesus, so that their hands would be clean.  They used a political reason: he was misleading the nation to go against the Roman empire.  Pilate saw through that lie and could find no fault with Jesus, so he sent Jesus to Herod to try to avoid dealing with the political fallout.  He used the excuse that Jesus fell under his jurisdiction (fake respect).  
    Herod was pleased to see Jesus.  He had heard so much about the man that it was like entertainment to him.  He wanted to see a miracle.  He didn't care anything about the reason why Jesus was to tried by him.  Jesus disappointed him by not even responding.  The disappointment may have led to  Jesus to be mocked and beaten.  They made a spectacle out of him and he endured it in silence.  He knew his words held power.  He could have talked his way out of all of this.
    Jesus was returned to Pilate.  Herod and Pilate were know frenemies.  Politically they hated each other, but in public they were civil.  That day the two became friends because they finally had something in common.  They knew what they would do, but no one wanted to be responsible for it happening.  They needed to be united to stay strong.  He was wiped to placate the Jews.   They thought if they beat him that they would be able to release him.  
    Pilate plead with the Jewish people three times to try to save Jesus' life.  Jesus had committed no crime, so he did not deserve the death penalty, but the Jewish spokespeople refused to listen to reason.  Their minds were made up.  He would die.  Pilate relented and sentenced Jesus to death because he did not want to risk his own life for this man (Jesus).  If he had truly understood who was in his presence I wonder how things would have been different.  Instead of releasing Jesus, who was innocent, Pilate released a known criminal, Barabbas, convicted of rebellion and murder.  
    Jesus walked through the city to Golgotha (place of skulls) carrying his own death sentence (a cross).  After all the abuse, his body just could not do it alone.  The guards forced Simon of Cyrene to help him.  The women that followed him could be heard mourning, so he told them not to weep for him.  They should weep for themselves and their children.  When the time of judgment comes it will be so much worse for those who deserve judgment.  
    Once Jesus was placed on the cross, he prayed that God forgive them for they do not know what they were doing.  He prayed forgiveness over all humanity, not just those that were victimizing him.  Even as he prayed the guards were casting lots to see who would get his clothing and mocked him.  The people that were there to watch all scoffed saying if you are the king of the Jews, then save yourself.  They even placed a sign to mock him in three languages saying King of the Jews.  
    The death sentence via hanging on a cross has already been scheduled for two criminals, so they just added Jesus to the list.  He was placed in the middle to make him be in the spotlight.  It was about 9am when they were placed on the crosses.  One of the criminals insulted Jesus like everyone else.  The other criminal rebuked the first.  He said we deserve what is happening to us, but Jesus did not.  He seemed to understand who Jesus is.  He then asked Jesus to remember him when he was in Heaven.  Jesus responded that he would be with him in paradise that day.  
    It was about noon when darkness came.  It covered the land.  In the darkness Jesus could be heard crying out to God: Father into your hands I entrust my spirit.  Once he got his last word out, he also had his last breath.  Jesus died on that cross.  The centurion who had witnessed everything glorified God.  The crowd that was mocking were now shook within their souls.  They went home now really able to comprehend what they experienced, but they were grieving.  Jesus died on a Friday.
    It was worked out that Jesus would not be left on the cross until after the Sabbath.  Jesus chose the exact time to die, so that he could be taken down, cleaned, and placed in a tomb before sunset.  Otherwise no one would have been allowed to touch his body.  It would have been considered unclean.  The women were the ultimate witnesses.  They saw all of this happen in silence as Joseph of Arimathea took care of the details.  He was part of the Sanhedrin, but had not been a part of what happened to Jesus.  It was his way of trying to do something to make it right because he was a secret disciple of Jesus.   The women tended to the body, but ran out of time before they could apply the perfume.  It would have to wait until Sunday morning.

Luke 23

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