Thursday, December 1, 2022

After Sentencing


    People are wrongfully convicted.  We know that.  I hope it happens less now that we have so many option to prove a person's guilt (or innocence) and it is no longer on speculation or accusation.  However, once a person is convicted and sentenced to death.  It is unheard of that they return to life.  Jesus died a cruel and unjust death, but he also came back to life by his own power.  
    The women that were followers of Jesus had done all that they could to tend to his mutilated body before the Sabbath began, but they ran out of time.  They had to wait out the Sabbath before they could return and finish the job.  Jesus had planned his death perfectly.  He was dead long enough that no one could question that he was really dead,  It was also was set where the ladies had to return to finish the job.  They returned very early on Sunday morning to discover that he was gone it was a devastating shock to him.  
    The women could have easily become overwhelmed with that grief.  Not only was Jesus killed, but now someone had stolen his body.  Now they had to go tell the apostles and everyone else that Jesus was lost.  They thought that  Jesus was not lost to them forever, but He was awake and alive.  Before they could be consumed in their grief two angels appeared to give them a new hope.  One asked them why do you look for the living among the dead?  It is a good question for us today.  Why will we not open our eyes until all is lost?  Why don't we believe when we hear the truth?  
    Jesus had risen.  He was no longer at the tomb.  They just needed to be reminded that they had been told that he would rise again in three days.  Life is mysterious at times.  That can make us hesitant, conflicted, or doubtful.  The women that followed Jesus accepted it even if it sounded like nonsense.  They didn't over think it.  They accepted and ran to tell the apostles the good news.  
    The impulsive Peter was the first to react.  He wanted to believe it so much that he took off for the tomb to see for himself.  Maybe in hopes that Jesus would be there, even though he had told the women where to tell the apostles to find him.  Peter had to do something.  He could not just sit there and wait.  When he arrived, he saw Jesus' burial clothes, but no Jesus.  He then departed amazed.  His mind probably running wild with all the possibilities, but with a renewed hope.
    While the apostles were processing and accepting at their own rate of comprehension, Jesus was moving on.  He had to be seen by lots of people in a short amount of time.  He was accessing power that he had not allowed himself to use before.  He appeared (instantly appeared) with a group walking to Emmaus.  
    Jesus decided to walk with two men talking about his crucifixion.  Jesus made his appearance somehow different because they did not recognize him.  Maybe instead of being just human, he was showing more of the God side of himself.  Maybe they were just too upset that their hope was dead.  They had heard of the empty tomb, but argued or discussed opposingly about what it could mean.  After all, people don't just raise from the dead, especially after three day.  It couldn't be true. 
    When the group arrived at a village, the two men asked Jesus to stay with them.  They still didn't know who he was, but they were showing hospitality to a stranger that held up good conversation.  Jesus ate a meal with them continuing discussions.  However, when he passed the bread their eyes opened to the truth.  They knew he was Jesus.  As soon as they recognized him, he vanished.  The two men returned to Jerusalem immediately to find the remaining 11 apostles to tell the good news.
    When the men found the apostles, they were not all together.  They told the ones that were present and as they told the story Jesus reappeared before them group (in a locked room) and said "Peace be with you".  He understood that his sudden appearance would startle them greatly.  They thought he was a ghost at first because people don't rise from the dead and they don't just appear from no where.  Jesus understood their fear and miscomprehension.  He showed them his hands and feet to confirm that he was flesh and blood.  
    After the shock was over, Jesus ate with them.  I think he ate so much because ghost can't eat.  It also give people time to adjust their perspective on reality.  Our minds need time to catch up to what the world around us is telling us.  During the meal Jesus pointed out that he had told them three times that this would happen.  Why were they not expecting him?  We have been told the truth and yet some people still refuse to believe.  He also opened their minds, so that they could understand things that they previously could not.  In todays terms, he enlighten them to the spiritual world and how it applies to our  physical world.
    Jesus had spent so much of his ministry life with the 12 apostles, that it may raise questions on why he did not do the same with the remaining 11 apostles after his resurrection.  I think he had given them the tools that they needed to be able to move forward.  Now it was about reaching as many people as possible.  It was not about a small group hat he loved, but a world that he loved.  
    Jesus' resurrection was for repentance and the ultimate forgiveness of sin.   Jesus made sure that 100% of the prophesies about him were fulfilled before he left this world until his return for judgment.  The world needed to know, but the apostles were ordered to start in Jerusalem.  They were witnesses and they made them responsible for declaring the truth no matter what.  The resurrection changed them.  They were no longer going to stay in hiding.  They would risk everything to get the truth out to the world, but they were to stay in Jerusalem until they were touched by the holy spirit and given spiritual power.  
    Jesus blessed his apostles and spent a little alone time with them before allowing them to witness his ascension.  He did not die again, but 40 days after his resurrection he rose and reentered Heaven.  He allowed them to be witnesses.  That alone was a awesome gift.  It is the personal touches that make the difference and it was his way of telling them how special they were to him.  The apostles stayed and worshipped for a while, but then returned to Jerusalem to do as he had ordered: tell the good news with great joy. 

Luke 24 

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