Wednesday, November 23, 2022



    Lie is precious.  We need to learn the value of life for ourselves and for others.  A life of integrity is a life that understands the value of human decency and holding one self accountable.  A life of integrity does not waste what it has.  One day we will all be held accountable by God for how we live our lives.  Isn't it better to hold ourselves accountable now?  That way we can make the needed changes as we go.
    The world is shrewd.  It honors the people that swindle the world.  The people who conduct business underhandedly seem to thrive while the honest people have to work twice as hard.  It is all about getting what is deserved right now.  There is no time to save for the future.  There is no thought of what is to come after.  Its all right now.  Relationships built on the right now method have no foundation.  They can't be trusted.  They will fall apart.  
    A real relationship with God, friends, work related, or potential spouse take time.  Real relationships are based on trust, respect, and integrity.  It is sometimes hard to be kind and honest, but it is worth the effort to try.  Sometimes feelings are injured, but if it comes from a place of genuine love then it will heal.  When people are injured, so that other people can grow their wealth, those injuries can turn into scars.  It can cause more harm than can be imagined.  It can ruin lives.
    Life is a test.  You can't serve the world (money, esteem, power) and God.  God is looking at your heart in circumstances to give you opportunities to see for yourself where your heart truly lies.  The results can be surprising at times.  The good news is you can work on your weak links and maybe do better next time.  God will keep throwing you in the same type of situations until you learn how to deal with things His way.
    A life of integrity preaches a life like Jesus.  It is how you live your life that tell the world more than the words that come out of your mouth.  There are people with money and people without money, but wealth comes from within. We are all still people.  We have no right to look down or judge anyone else's circumstances.  We all die and what you have on earth will no longer matter, so why does it hold so much value now?
    Life is a choice.  You chose yourself or you chose God.  You can always turn to God until it is too late.  That catch is none of us know when the too late is going to be.  It is different for everyone.  The sooner you get started following God the better things will be.  It is a life of investment.  Those that chose to invest into God will find peace and healing from all the world's wounds.  Those that reject God will find an unrighteous death with eternity of agony.  Life is short, but eternity is not.  

Luke 16


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