Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Lost and Found


    All types of people went to Jesus for various things, but sinners gathered around him.  They didn't understand everything, but they knew that they needed what he was offering.  They knew he healed and had the authority to forgive sin, but they didn't understand what that meant.  The word redemption did not have true meaning yet, but they wanted to hear everything he had to say.  They listened attentively without getting bored or angry.
    Jesus' growing popularity with the sinners made the Pharisees uncomfortable.  They began to gossip.  They did not understand Jesus' role or purpose either.  The difference is that they viewed it as bad and troublesome for them.  They wanted him gone.  Jesus knew their hearts so he gave the parable of the lost sheep to try to get both sides to understand what he was here for.  He came for the lost and rejoices when each person is found.  That didn't connect well with the Pharisees, so he went on to the parable of the lost coin for them.  We will search for what matters in our lives.  For Jesus, we are what matters.
    Everyone that knew the prophet's visions had it in their head that a warrior would come and save them from oppression.  This had been taught for hundreds of years, so when Jesus came into the picture as simple and humble as a person can, it threw everyone off counter.  How could Jesus be their savior?  
    They didn't understand that he had to enter the world the way he did so that he could connect with people.  He was there for the lowest of the low to bring them up.  He came to save.  If he was just an icon, then that would have been impossible.  Everyone had the wrong perspective of Jesus.  He needed to be found in their minds and hearts.
    Rejoice in salvation.  It means that while you were lost in this world Jesus found you and restored you.  You have a chance to live differently.  You have a chance to make impact in this world.  You have the chance to help other people be found.   Once we understand, then we can see the truth and rejoice.
    Salvation is based on repentance.  It is looking into the dark and acknowledging that Jesus is who he is.  It is accepting that he did die and raised himself from the dead to break the bondage of death and sin in our lives.  It is looking at yourself and seeing your sin for what it is, ugly and horrible.  Then you decide to turn from that sin and walk with Jesus.  It is the only way to be found and live in light, peace, and love.  It is worth celebrating.
    The lost son parable may be the most popular parable.  It hits all aspects of humanity and salvation.  There is the impulsive and selfish son that has to go through hell to see what really matters and return home humble.  Then there is the perfect son, but he has a superior attitude that takes away from all that he has to offer.  Then there is the father that welcomes home what was dead to him.  He lets the past go, so that he can have a relationship with his son.  This love does not take anything away from the so called perfect son.  It is just that the perfect son can't see that.
    The younger son is the impulsive son.  He represents all of humanity, all people.  He also represents what salvation can offer.  The older son is the perfectionist.  He represents the Pharisees and people that don't see their need for Jesus.  The father is God, but also represents true love in the world.  The father represents patience and a person willing to work through things.  We can all relate to at least one character, but probably all three in different stages of life.  It also explains what sin is and how it will affect your life through what the younger son did and went through.  It all comes down to understanding your relationship with God, his grace, and salvation.  
Luke 15

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