Saturday, November 5, 2022

Preparations for Murder


    Could you face your execution as well as Jesus did his?  Would you go face it like it is any other day?  Or would you try to escape your fate?  Jesus faced his murder like it was any other day because he loves all of us.  
    Those that plotted against him cursed themselves.  It was their choice and they were happy to do it.  I doubt that they are so happy about it now.  It would have been better for them if they had never been born, but everyone had their role to play.  Without the betrayal, there would be no salvation.
    It was known that the religious leaders were plotting against Jesus for a long time.  It was not news that they wanted him dead, but they had to do it strategically because they did not want the people to riot against them.  They needed the fear or respect of the people to maintain their self imposed power.  As they planned for evil, there were those around Jesus unknowingly preparing him for his death and funeral.  This is proof that people can plot and plan evil, but God can use it for good.
    What caught a lot of people off guard was that one of Jesus' own close friends were among the murderous plot.  He cared more about money and didn't approve of how Jesus handled luxury.  People on the outside watching saw someone close to Jesus turn on him.  This could make some people take a step back and start questioning if Jesus was worth following.  There is so much doubt in the world that can lead to made decisions.  These people did not do anything to kill Jesus, but they also did not do anything to stop it.  It makes them guilty too.
    The church leaders wanted Jesus dead so much that they paid people to give false testimony against Jesus.  They could not get Jesus honestly because he had not committed a sin.  He had not broken any human law.  They just didn't like him to the point that they would purge themselves to silence him.  In their opinion, death was too good for him.  He needed to be torn down, disrespected, abused physically and verbally.  They even allowed torture.  His trail was a mockery to true justice.  It was just to enforce a public and humiliating death.
    Judas' betrayal that led to Jesus' death would not be forgiven.  I think he knew that deep down.  I think that is why he could not live with himself.  He couldn't deal with his part in any of it, so he killed himself.  
    Peter and the other apostles betrayed Jesus by abandoning him, but it was different.  They were not seeking to harm Jesus.  They just wanted to live.  Peter's was slightly more severe because he did follow Jesus at a distance.  He wanted to save Jesus.  He loved Jesus and was loyal, but once the heat was turned on him he denied knowing Jesus as was predicted.  His denial kept exculpating with every accusation to the point that Peter cursed.  To curse or swear falsely is to bring a curse upon yourself.
    That guilt ate at him and he would never have recovered had Jesus not returned and forgave him and made him forgive himself.  (That is a story for later.)  He could not even believe what he had done.  He completely betrayed his closest friend and mentor.  He didn't even realize at that time the depth of his betrayal, but he could here Jesus' voice in his head reminding him that Jesus knew this would happen.  He even made eye contact with Jesus as soon as the third denial was proclaimed.
    The betrayal went a little deeper than that.  Peter, James, and John were supposed to stay awake through the night to pray with and over Jesus, but they kept falling asleep.  It is hard being idle and staying awake when your mind and body are screaming at you that you should be a sleep.  They probably prayed with their eyes closed like we do today.  That would have made it so much more difficult.
    These betrayals are small, but survivors guilt is big.  They probably felt guilty that they could not do the one thing that Jesus asked and he was killed.  They may have taken his death on as if they were the murderers themselves.  That is what survivors guilt does.  It twist the truth into something torturous.     
    The truth is that Jesus knew the time was upon him.  He was depressed and filled with sorrow, but he knew things that they did not.  He was disappointed in them, but didn't feel betrayed by them.  He understood that the Spirit is strong, but the body is weak.  
    Jesus forgave them for falling asleep and fleeing.  He knew it would happen.  That is why he basically spoke his forgiveness before it happened.  He knew that he would not have time once it all began.  They didn't need to even ask.  
    Jesus forgave them because he loved them and knew that they had no malice in their hearts.  He understood that they would struggle with forgiving themselves.  The ones that cursed themselves were cursed because they had hate in their heart.  They had no regret with what they did.  

Mark 14

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