Friday, November 4, 2022

Facing Death


    There is so much beauty in this world, but for some it is overcast by the prospect of death.  Death is immanent.  You can't avoid it.  If you are conceived, then you will die one day.  It is not something that we should run away from.  It should be faced head on.  Deal with your fear or anxiety.  Jesus is the only one that can give you that happy ending.  He faced a horrific death, so that it was conquered and the rest of us could have peace no matter what we may face in the end of our mortal life.
    Face death by facing God and your place in this world.  Don't let yourself be deceived by false religions or gods (idols).  Eventually, the world itself will end.  Things come and go.  There is no permeance here.   Things are always changing.  Things are destroyed and new things are built.  It is life, but to put your trust and faith in that is scary.
    We are God's witnesses.  We have the responsibility to tell the world who He is and teach them how to follow Him too.  We may face persecution, but Jesus faced worse.  We may see all the evils of the world and abominable things, but Jesus has been watching it since the fall.  It can get worse.  It is actually promised that it will get much worse eventually until the world itself is basically destroyed.  
    Just remember when you face these things that you have the Holy Spirit within you to strengthen you and empower you to face it.  He is your personal counselor.  Endure and salvation will come.
    False prophets spread lies about false gods, mostly that you are your own god.  These lies may be tempting to listen to because it gives you false sense of security.  Just remember what is at stake here: souls.  
    Heaven and earth will both shake.  Jesus' death & resurrection actual broke the bonds of death that existed since the the first curse (the fall of Adam and Eve).  That power should give you hope, not fear.  When he returns, he will display his full power.  Now that should be feared.  It is the day that the full compacity of God's blessings and curses are poured out.  He will no longer be holding back.  It will have so much impact that the cosmos are affected.
    It will be great and glorious, but that is when the decision making time is over.  Everything will be over, but His Word will never pass away.  That means every promise God ever made will still exist.  We will be in Heaven or Hell.  God's angels will gather all His followers.  The rest will fall. 
    The day and the hour of your death will never be known.  Not even the angels know the time of any person's death or judgment day.  That is the privilege of God alone.  That is why we have to be alert.  He have to be prepared.  We should live every day like it is our last.  That way we will never have any regrets and you are prepared.  

Mark 13

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