Thursday, November 3, 2022

Truth vs. Lies


    People are capable of horrible and selfish things everyday.  Hate is powerful.  Some people hide behind religion to enforce their hate.    It is like we all think we can do whatever we want in life and there will be no consequences.  Just because the rules apply to that person, they won't apply to me.  It is the lie that will get us every time.
    The truth is hard.  The truth requires more from you.  You can't be lazy with the truth.  The truth sometimes hurts to hear.  It can be painful to make the changes you need to uphold the truth.  The truth shows no favoritism.  
    The leaders of this world are just stewards for God.  Their job is to draw people toward God and teach them how to obey.  They are in service to Him, not their own bank accounts.  They will face consequences if they abuse the power given to them.  
    Jesus lived a life of integrity.  He was questioned at every turn, yet he never failed to respond with wisdom.    We are to follow man' laws and rules, but they are for this world only.  That is why when they do contradict God's laws, we are expected to up hold the eternal laws.  God kept his laws simple and Jesus is the foundation.  We make it complicated.  
    Money bares the image of the Government.  That means that the government owns it.  It is about the people.  We bare the image of God.  That means that we belong to Him.  Give man what belongs to man, but give yourself to God because you belong to Him.  You can chose not to believe, but it doesn't change the truth.
    In heaven you will not be married, single, a parent, grandparent, or alone.  We will live like angels.  The bounds of the world will be gone.  Love will be pure.  The focus will be undivided.  We will all be equal.  There will be no more strife or discord.  There will only be peace and worship.  
    We have to understand the scripture properly to understand that we will not be losing anything once we go to heaven.  Things will only be better.  All the complications of life will be gone and that leaves only what is pure and true.
    God is powerful.  He is the God of the living not the dead.  That is why the most important command is to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.  If you do that, then the second most important command will come naturally: love others as you do yourself.  It will not work to follow God to gain your own glory.  Following God is giving all the glory to him.  
    In all you do, do in love not hate.  That is not always an easy command to follow.  Just remember it is the humblest people that will get God's attention and favor.  Humility and trust are vital to follow God.  If you can't trust Him to provide for your next meal, then you will not be able to trust Him to take you to Heaven. 

Mark 12

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