Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A Life of Service


    Jesus lived a life of service.  Anyone paying attention can see that he never asked to be treated like a king.  He never spoke down to people or walked over people to get what he wanted.  He stood firm on what is right and never backed down from a challenge, but even that was handled in a manner that honored God and his position.
    Jesus displayed his love for his apostles (closest friends) by washing their feet at the Last Supper.  In a way this dinner changed things.  It in some ways replaced the Passover and became a new tradition to honor God.  It was his way of saying goodbye without saying good by and making it a teaching moment.  It was the strongest demonstration of love. 
    Jesus knew just how precious this last dinner before the betrayal was.  He knew just how little he had with his friends.  They did not understand, but they would later.  Washing a person's feet was a servant's job.  They didn't have shoes like we do.  Many people were still bare footed or just had sandals.  Feet were really dirty to the point of disgusting.  Jesus washing their feet literally was the best thing he could do to show that following him means service and humility.
    When Peter knelt before Peter to wash his feet, Peter was obstinate that Jesus was not to wash his feet.  Jesus told him that it had to happen.  Basically he explained the difference between spiritual ritual and being spiritually clean.  When Jesus explained it, zealous Peter was like well don't just wash my feet, but here are my hands and head too.  Jesus explained to him that they were already clean.
    Jesus was teaching his apostles how to go out into the world as servants of Christ instead of valent knights for the their king.  Following Jesus is not showy.  It is not arrogant.  It is not demanding prestige.  It is a humble job of lowering yourself for the sake of other people to see Jesus in your life.  Then Jesus was blessing them for becoming servants.  To accept Jesus is to accept God and that ensures a home in Heaven.
    Satan entered Judas before the foot washing.  Reading that make me feel sad for Judas, but in reality he had his heart wide open for Satan to enter.  That make it his fault and his actions are still accountable.  He knew how to prevent it.  He had been with Jesus long enough, but he would not let go of the greed in his heart.  That sin that he would not let go left an opening for Satan.  We all know that Satan will take advantage.  That is why it is our responsibility to seal up any chinks in our armor of God.   
    Jesus knew that Satan was present in Judas, so turned to Judas (Satan) and said go and do it quickly.  Satan/Judas understood that it meant the betrayal.  The other apostles thought he was going to do an arrand.  They didn't understand.  It never really occurred to them that one of their own would ever consider betraying Jesus.  
    I don't know if Judas knew that Jesus was talking about his betrayal and not arrand either.  I think he was ignorant to how much Jesus really knew because he prepared himself like it was a normal arrand and not treachery.  Judas was not a mistake.  Jesus did love him, but he always had a role to fill and it was always going to be the villain.  That does not mean that is what Jesus wanted, but he understand the human condition better than we do.  It does not mean that it did not bring Jesus anguish as Judas went out into the dominion of darkness.
    Jesus on the other hand knew that he would be with his father again soon.  It must have been a bittersweet moment.  He had to endure unimaginable pain to get to see God in Heaven again.  It also meant leaving the people he loved for a time.  However, time is relevant for God and he was going home.  
    Once Judas was gone, Jesus gave his remaining apostles two new commandments.  These commandments wrap up all of God's laws and stipulations into doing all things in love.  We are to love God with all our hearts, minds, and souls.  Then we need to love everyone else as much as we love ourselves.  That means getting a healthy perspective on love.  It means you can only really love once you understand how God loves you and you see value in yourself and other people.  Love is the testimony of Jesus.

John 13

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