Sunday, December 25, 2022

Peter's Preaching


    When Pentecost arrives all the apostles were together.  Jesus had ascended roughly a week ago.  All of a sudden in their closed room there was a sound like a tornado in the room.  The sound came from Heaven and filled the entire house that the apostles were staying in.  I am sure that everyone present was terrified.  They probably had never heard anything like that before.
    As they were adjusting to the ferocious wind sound, another mysterious thing happened.  The Holy Spirit arrived in fire.  They each saw tongues of fire that rested on each of them.  When the Holy Spirit touched them, they were filled by Him.  
    All of a sudden they could all talk in tongues.  Some say that tongues is the language of angels and other say that they could speak unknown languages.  Either way it is miraculous because they were not taught.  It just happened because they were faithful.
    People outside the room and house heard the strange noises coming from their house.  The people began to form a crowd trying to figure out what was happening.  The apostles went out to speak to the people and were able to speak the language of the person they were talking (when before they only knew their own language).  Now between the 12 they could speak every language of the world.  Now that is a gift I wish I had.  
    It was an amazing moment in time for them.  The experience is incomprehensible, but it was the mark for the beginning of the new church (Jesus' church).  Yet, when you are on a spiritual high, people always want to tear you down.  People started to say that they were drunk.  
    This is when Peter took charge.  He spoke up for the other 11 apostles saying it was only 9am, so how could they be drunk now and not hung over.  Then he pointed out how the prophet Joel had said this would happen.  Basically he was like learn your bible people. It was the time of the Holy Spirit to be on Earth. 
    This emboldened Peter.  He called out the Jews that killed Jesus.  He pointedly said that death could not conquer Jesus.  Who are they compared to Him.  Jesus is the Lord and Savior of all people.  He is Christ.  He is the Messiah (God)!  This cut into the hearts of the people.  Not the Pharisees, but the people came to Peter to ask him about salvation.  How could I have salvation?
    Peter told the listeners to obtain salvation you must repent your sins (turn away from your known sins and learn to repent hidden sins), be baptized (public declaration of faith), and forgive other people's sins (accept your spiritual gifts).  If you repented your sin in faith and died before you had a chance to be baptized, then you are still saved.  Faith is how you are saved, but you need to be obedient and so Peter was giving the facts to the people simple and direct.  
    Once you are saved, then the Holy Spirit will come to you.  Once the Holy Spirit lives within you, you can't become corrupt or he could not stay within you.  That day about 3,000 people came to salvation.  
    They devoted their lives to the teaching of Jesus and fellowship with other believers.  They ate together and prayed together.  Many miracles and wonders happened and they experienced it together because they all lived in a community together.  The theme is unity.  
    The Christian community worked as it's own society for a while.  They needed that to be able to learn, grow, and be safe.  They put all they had together, so what was yours was everyone's.  Possessions were not singular.  All money went to the good of the community.  The community came together every day to praise God and everyday their numbers grew.

Acts 2

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