Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Faith Driven Righteousness


    God gave us His Word to show us how to live a holy life for him.  He gives us the directions on how to live a faithful life.  It isn't basic.  It isn't simple.  It is what gives life everything that is worth living.  We were entrusted with His Word, so what are we going to do with it?
    Just because some people reject Jesus and God's Word, it does not mean that God is not faithful.  No matter what anyone does, God's Word will prevail.  You can be a part of it or you can miss out.  If you are prepared, then you will be able to accept whatever God lays upon you.  You can accept that God will use the evil of the world to turn it into something to reveal His glory.  
    Use your faith to drive you to do righteous and good things in the world.  We will never accomplish righteousness without Jesus.  He the only way we can understand what righteousness means.  
    Everyone has forsaken God at one point or another.  That is what comes natural because it is following our own personal desires over doing what God instructs.  We have all spoken evil without knowing peace.  Once we know peace, then the tongue needs to follow or we will be silenced and held accountable.  Let go of the bitterness, the poison of hatred and unrighteous anger.
     We are all liars.  We lie to ourselves to make things that are sin okay, but the truth is that it is not okay.  Take an honest look at your sin.  Full accept it as sin, then give it over to God to replace it with righteousness.  Truth abounds in God's glory.  God's law does not bring salvation, but reveals the need for salvation.  It becomes righteous works once you have proper understanding of it's purpose: justification through Jesus by faith.
    A life of righteous faith requires being honest with yourself and God no matter how hard it may be.  It is not magic.  It is a miracle.  It is a gift from God called redemption.  God is just and he justifies us when He takes our sin.  He sought us and continues to seek all that are lost.  All he ask in return is that we uphold His laws to reveal His grace and mercy.

Romans 3

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       It is inconceivable that once you are saved that anything can remove your salvation.  It is equally inconceivable that you can enter ...