Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Fighting for the Truth


    Paul found some disciples in his missionary journey that had not received the Holy Spirit.  They were followers of John the Baptist, so they had only been baptized by water.  He baptized them in the Holy Spirit.  He taught them where the disconnect was, so that they could go forward spreading the truth.  
    When we run into disciples in the world that we do not know, then we should be like Paul and ask them if they have received the Holy Spirit.  Just because they are religious does not mean that they have salvation or if they do that it is empowered by the Holy Spirit.  They may need to hear the truth too.  Don't be afraid to ask question to figure out where people stand.
    Paul was a bold speaker.  He argued like a lawyer with persuasion.  He could come across obstinate at times, but there was a lot at stake.  There were so many lies about Jesus and fractions of Christianity where people were not being taught the complete truth.  The truth is worth fighting for the full knowledge of faith in Jesus.
    Paul did perform miracles.  When other's tried to do the same, they would fail because they did not have the Holy Spirit in them.  They didn't understand that it was not about the miracle, but the faith that caused the miracle.  
    One day an evil spirit talked to the imitators.  It said "I know Jesus, I recognize Paul, but who are you."  This means that they had no power behind their works and inserted themselves in a spiritual battle that they were not prepared for.  The spirit overpowered them.  The seven Jewish men fled the house naked and wounded.  It scared the locals to the point that their hearts opened to Jesus and confession became a practice.  The new converts removed all that was evil in their lives and the Word flourished.
    Demetrius rose people up against Paul for economic reasons.  When the truth threatens people's income, things tend to get ugly or at least complicated.  Demetrius' job was making idols, so he was not liking the changes that Paul brought.  
    Demetrius  managed to get the entire city in an uproar.  Paul's companions Gaius and Pristarchus were seized and Paul couldn't get to them.  The city was in chaos which left a lot of confusion on what was happening.  A city clerk quieted the crowd by using logic to figure things out.  He got the situation under control and the assembly was dismissed.

Acts 19

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