Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Missionary Training

    Paul worked a while as a tent maker when he was with Aquila and Priscilla in Macedonia.  Missionaries should be supported by their churches, so that they can focus on doing God's directed work.  However, sometimes they need to do a little side job to get some money.  I believe when that happens that God is opening the door to them to use it as opportunities.
    Paul was staying with Aquila and Priscilla because the Jews were ordered to leave Rome.  On the Sabbath, Paul would preach.  When Silas and Timothy joined him he was able to focus on preaching, but when he didn't have help he would work.  
    The Jews became abusive to Paul.  His response was to inform them that their blood was on their own heads.  From that point he only went out to the Gentiles.  God came to Paul in a vision to encourage him not to stop.  It is hard to do good when everyone is against you and you feel alone in the fight.  Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and half teaching about God and salvation.
    Crispus, the Synagogue Ruler and his family became believers.  Paul baptized them and then gave them instruction on how to move forward in their lives as Christians.  We all have a mission and that mission never asks us to be quiet.  We are called speak as the Holy Spirit directs.  Knowledge is a wonderful thing, but it only gets you so far.  You have to have faith to empower that knowledge.  
    It is the empowering faith that will help you endure anything the world throws at you for following Jesus.  Paul was beaten, but he never stopped speaking truth.  When he left Corinth he left he took Aquila and Priscilla with him.  He showed them the way to live a Christ like life and left them in Ephesus to do mission work.  He didn't linger because there were more people to reach and he was leaving them in good trained hands.  He was able to move on doing his job in confidence that Ephesus was taken care of .  Paul continues to travel and encourage fellow disciples.  
    Apollo was a Christian trained in the way of John the Baptist.  He went to Ephesus was a missionary full of knowledge, but incomplete knowledge. He began to preach what he knew.  Aquilla and Priscilla heard and took him to the side to teach fill in the gaps that he was missing, so he would have an adequate understanding.  They made him their pupil like Paul had done for them and he became a great help to all believers.  He would vigorously refute the Jews in public debates using scripture appropriately.

Acts 18 


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