Monday, January 2, 2023

Gentile Conversion


    Cornelius was an Italian Centurion who had become a devout believer in Jesus.  An angel came to him and told him to find Peter.  He immediately told sold some of his men to go to Joppa to find Peter and bring him back.  He even knew to go to Simon the tanner's house.
    The next day Peter went into a trance while he was praying.  In the trance Peter saw Heaven open up.  The vision revealed animals that were considered unclean.  God was telling Peter to eat food that had been forbidden according to the covenant made with God.  God was showing him that what was unclean is now clean.  This confused Peter.
    Peter had to be encouraged by God three times before he would eat the food.  It is hard for us to have a core belief about something and then in a moment it changes.  It takes a minute for us to catch up.  Peter had to realized the importance of the message.  It changed everything.  
    Peter was deep in thought contemplating the meaning of this vision when Cornelius' men arrived.  The Holy Spirit told him not to hesitate in going with them.  Peter heard their message and gave them lodgings for the night.  The next day he went with them to the house of Cornelius.  When Peter arrived at Cornelius' house he found a large crowd.  
    Cornelius came out to Peter and fell at his feet and worshipped him.  Peter lifted Cornelius and told him not to worship another man, only God.  Peter asked Cornelius why he was brought.  Cornelius told him about the visit from the angel four days before.  He was expecting Peter to come with a message from God.
    The Jewish law also forbid a Jew to enter a Gentile's house, but the vision was being clarified to Peter at each step of this short journey.  God had made the Gentile's clean.  He had used food to make the connection, but Peter needed to reach the Gentiles on Jesus' behalf.  God had heard the prayers of the Gentile believers, so prepared Peter for this huge change in life.  This would be the new normal.
    God does not have favorites.  We need to try not to have favorites too, so that we can be more like Jesus.  We need to accept anyone that wants a relationship with Jesus.  It is our job to share the good news with peace in our heart.  It is up to whomever hears on if they believe or not.  God will never restrict salvation to just certain people.
    We need to anoint with the Holy Spirit and bring healing to all who have been hurt by Satan and the evils of the world.  We are the witnesses that live a life of faith and forgiveness.  
    The Gentiles celebrated the new reality.  They praised God and spoke in tongues.  Peter saw that the Holy Spirit had truly touched them, so he baptized them.  On top of that, Peter stayed with them for a few days to teach and have fellowship.  

Acts 10

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