Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Salvation Defended


    When Gentiles were introduced in to the church of "The Way" there were some concerns that the Gentiles were not ceremonially clean.  Like I already said, when you grow a certain way it is hard to step away from that thinking completely.  The new church was full of new Christians that all needed time to mature.  At this time it was very controversial to claim to be a Christian and be uncircumcised.
    The Circumcised believers went to Peter criticizing him for spending time with Gentiles.  They felt like Peter had compromised God's law.  Peter felt the need to be transparent, so he told them about his vision.  He laid it out step by step like God had laid it out for him.  He explained that salvation is not for Jews alone.  It is for all who believe and want a relationship with Jesus.  Jesus laid down this gift to everyone who is willing to repent.  
    The Antioch Church scattered because the persecution was so intense, but they took the Word with them and it spread.  Barnabas witnessed God's grace and use the experience to encourage other people.  He was a good man that was full of the Holy Spirit and faith.  He spent a year with Paul.  During that time people came to them because of a great famine.  
    The church was not only under persecution, but it also faced nature and other world factors.  It was not an easy time for them, but God seems to flourish in the intensity.  At this time, the Apostles were going to the new churches popping up to confirm that the conversions were genuine and encourage them.  Christianity was being worked out and put into order.

Acts 11

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