Some people question on if you can drink alcohol and live righteously. That is something each person has to work out in their salvation and relationship with God. Alcohol affects people differently. One person can have a single glass of wine on special occasions and be perfectly fine. While other people have one sip and they can't stop without intervention.
If alcohol does not control you, then the occasional drink is biblically okay. It only becomes a sin when you over indulge, but that goes for any over indulgence. Once alcohol replaces God as your number one priority, then it is a sin. Alcohol also becomes a sin if you cause other people to stumble and sin too.
An example of how alcohol can cause people to stumble: you are with people who are against alcohol and you choose to drink, then it is wrong. You are choosing to upset them, when there is no need. You put yourself before other people. Another issue is if you choose to drink in front of an addict. God calls us to serve people, not to be selfish.
Alcohol is not a sin if you limit yourself. As long as you don't become intoxicated, then it can be used at celebrations. It is a powerful drink, so you have to have self-control and limits when it comes to alcohol.
If you drink so much that you silence the Holy Spirit, then you have drunk too much. You need to repent and be determined not to drink that much again. The Holy Spirit can give you all that you need. He can replace the short-term elation from alcohol with His presence. He can make you feel better. He can do all the things that alcohol does without any of the adverse side affects or consequences.
Ask yourself some serious questions. Can I drink responsibly? Should I drink? Why do I want to drink? Take some time to mull over your questions and how you approach alcohol (good or bad). Why do you view it the way you do? When you answer, make sure it is for yourself. If you choose to drink, then also ask yourself one more question: How much will this cost me in life? Can I live righteously and still drink?
Proverbs 23:29-35, Romans 10:1-4, Ephesians 5:6-14, James 5:16-17, & 1 Peter 2:21-25
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