Alcohol is a slippery slope because not everyone knows where the line is between a casual drink and going too far. You may not be aware that one drink can take you places of addiction that you never wanted to go. For many people alcohol will never be an issue, but for others it can control their lives through their decisions and how they consider the consequences.
Alcohol can be a weakness that dominates some people. They may believe that it helps them in life. For an example, alcohol can help you fall asleep, but the quality of sleep is diminished, so it is counter productive. They may think it helps them deal or feel better, but it is dangerous for your overall health. You may see it as just numbing your mind, but it is only hiding and compiling the issues you are trying to escape from.
Let's say you do not have an addiction or enjoy getting drunk. You are minding your own business having an innocent drink. However, with you is someone that is struggling. You may not be aware of the struggle, but you could become their stumbling block. That can be a slippery slope for the people you associate or live with.
Alcohol is a slipper slope because it is perception without explanation. Some people will judge you harshly if they see you drink, even if you are not getting drunk or losing self-control. It is not always Christians. It is sometimes non-Christians that watch you. That is something to consider before buying alcohol. It can hurt your witness. It may not be fair, but people judge with their eyes. They do not see everything like Jesus.
It you do drink alcohol do so with discernment. Know thoroughly what the Bible says about it, the dangers, and perception it leaves. To be wise is to submit to God completely. God never said not to drink, but He did lay out examples of what can happen if you are not responsible or if you allow it to become a sin stronghold. Think, pray, meditate over the subject before you allow it to become a part of your life. Then live by your convictions.
Psalm 73:15-20, Proverbs 23:29-35, Romans 14:20-23, & 1 Corinthians 6:12-14
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