Monday, January 30, 2023

Justice of God


    The Holy Spirit speaks truth to our conscience.  He speaks to the heart about what God expects and wants from you.  He whispers secrets of how to serve God well.  He helps us understand who God the Father is and why Jesus did what He did.
    It is in God's divine glory, covenants, us receiving His laws, worship, and promises kept that structure's the justice of God in our lives.  His word never fails.  He dispenses compassion and mercy the way He sees fit.  It is a display of His power, but it is done out of love.  
    When we accept God and who He is, we can understand righteousness.  The righteousness that comes from faith is not works alone.  It is a part of who you are.  Righteousness based on works will never get you into Heaven.  You have to have faith too.
    Pity those that do not understand because there is nothing you can do for them.  They will face great sorrow and unceasing anguish.  Nothing, but faith, will guarantee you spiritual blessings from God.  You place in the world has no factor in your eternal place.  This includes being Jew, raised in church, or false Christianity.
    It may not feel just, but eternity is not based on feelings.  He laid out His expectations from the day people existed.  It is our choice to ignore His warnings.  It is not his fault if we ignore Him.  It is not his fault if we chose to live for ourselves instead of Him.  The only way into Heaven is through faith that redeems us.  We don't deserve it, but He gives it to us.

Romans 9

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