Sunday, January 29, 2023

Holy Spirit Led Life


    Faith in Jesus is the only way out of condemnation.  This faith enables you to be led by the Holy Spirit who will free you from the natural laws of sin and death.  He shows you how to follow God's laws the way they were meant to be obeyed.  Once you are a Christian, then the Holy Spirit is the mark that indicates that you belong to God.  It sets you apart from the world.  
    Sin only has the ability to condemn those without faith.  It may feel good in the moment, but the long term side affects are never worth the short lived gratification.  Faith in Jesus will be the only way out of the self-harm cycle.  
   Salvation from incardination to sin comes with the responsibility to learn how to submit.  Submission is not giving up who you are or any rights.  It enables you to live a more fulfilled life with less heart ache or regret.  It is putting to death your worldly nature.
    When you live in accordance to the Holy Spirit, then your mind is set free.  If there is a chemical imbalance, then it opens your eyes and you can find help with that.  He will lead you to the best life to live a Spirit filled lifestyle.  He gives your heart and soul peace.   
    Keep righteousness in your heart to keep the Spirit thriving within your soul.  He will never force you to do anything.  His is his whispers that influence is in your conscience.  If you drown him out, then all you will hear is yourself or worse (Satan or demons).  You can't be possessed as a Christian because there is no room in your soul, but you can be taunted and influenced by evil.  You have to be alert and seek help if you need it.
    The Holy Spirit testifies about your heart to God.  Even if you can't put things in to words, He can communicate with God what you need on your behalf.  Even if you share in Jesus' suffering for your faith, He never leaves you.  That is when he will become stronger within to help you with the burden of persecution.  He feels everything you feel.  When you hurt, He hurts because He is a part of you from the moment of sanctification until you enter Heaven. 
    If you follow where the Holy Spirit leads you, then you will find hope in glorious freedom as a child of God.  It is something you can never experience otherwise.   Real hope is not seen.  It is not touch, but it is alive within you.  It gives you patience where you may not normally have patience.  The Holy Spirit justifies you to bring God glory and that requires patience.  His love makes us more than survivors or conquerors.  He unites us with the one and only Living God.
    When you feel weak, the Holy Spirit will intercede your prayers and push them forward for you.  He knows your heart and mind (Chemistry and soul) better than anyone.  No matter what he knows, even it it may be bad, He never stops loving you.  He justifies us to bring glory to God.  No person can condemn you.  You either condemn yourself or you are justified by faith.  Once you are justified, then nothing can separate you from God's love.  This is where you find freedom to live a pure and whole life.

Romans 8

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