Thursday, January 5, 2023

Preparing for the Mission Field


    The Holy Spirit told the prophets and teachers of the church in Antioch to set apart Barnabas and Saul for separate work in which the Holy Spirit would direct them in.  The church fasted, prayed, and laid hands on them before sending them off to do mission work.  They went all over proclaiming the good news of God's Word.  
    The Commissioning process is important because it puts the missionary in a service mindset, empowers them, and sanctifies them to do God's work.  This was a turning point for the church.  They church was going out to all people now.  It would be Paul's second mission journey, but the first one really supported by the church.  The first one was led by the Holy Spirit, but was more impromptu.  The second mission journey was more organized.
    John helped in the mission field.  In Paphos, the missionaries met a Jewish sorcerer named Bar-Jesus.  His boss was a Roman named Sergius Paulus.  Sergius was a smart man and wanted to hear God's Word.  Bar-Jesus did not like that, so he opposed the missionaries.  Paul was not about to let evil get in his way, so he cursed Bar-Jesus to blindness.  From Paul's own personal experience he knew exactly what this curse would mean, but it did shut down the demonic influence. This got the attention of Sergius who became a believer.
    A short time later, John returned to Jerusalem while Paul and Barnabas continued on their mission journey.  They spoke of their history that led to Jesus.  Jesus is the Holy one in whom decay would never touch.  Paul used the Jewish history to connect the people to Jesus.  It also displayed how each person needs Jesus.
    Everyone has a purpose, but we will all die one day.  That is biology.  It is a law of nature that originated with sin entering the world.  No one can change those facts.  Jesus defied science and law of nature.  He will never truly be touched by real death.
    Jesus is the source of forgiveness.  He forgave all the people that were involved with his brutal murder.  He has the power to forgive anyone.  He has the power to teach you how to forgive, but his forgiveness is over sin and justification for all people who ask.  Ours is to cleanse our own soul.  
    To refuse forgiveness is to go to eternal death.  Eternal death is not where anyone wants to go.  This is news that everyone wants to hear, even if they don't like the message that they do hear.  Jealous people will grumble about the messenger.  They may reject the message, so move on and do not let it burden you.  It is on them, not you.  
    Your job is like Paul and Barnabas' job, get Jesus' message out to the world.  Give your attention to the people who want to hear and receive the message.  They will be grateful.  Do whatever work that the Holy Spirit lays upon you and be joyful.  The Holy Spirit will give you all you need to succeed, so don't let the negatively impactful people take away what the Holy Spirit is empowering in you.

Acts 13

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