Friday, January 6, 2023

Church Planting


    Persecution is a part of the Christian Life.  If you are living a bold Christian life, then people will oppose you.  It is not a matter of if, but when and how hard.  We should be prepared for it.  We should not be caught off guard.
    No matter what comes at you, don't stop speaking boldly or using your gifts to help the church serve God in the world.  Even if people that you love turn on you.  Even if you are mistreated, don't give up on God because He will never give up on you.
    In Iconium, Paul and Barnabas spoke led by the Holy Spirit.  They led many Jews and Greeks to Jesus, but that made the unbelieving Jews angry.  They poisoned the minds of those that listened against the missionaries.  It got to the point that the city was divided.  The haters planned on stoning them, but they found out and escaped to Lystra and Derbe where they continued to preach.
    The people of Lystra and Derbe thought Barnabas was Zeus and Paul was Hermes.  They had power from the Holy Spirit, but the Greek people misunderstood.  They thought that they had to be gods.  This news horrified the two missionaries greatly.  They made it public that they were only human sent to bring the good news of the one real God.  
    The people did not care to be corrected.  They persecuted Paul and Barnabas to the point that Paul was eventually stoned, but he did not die.  The next day Paul and Barnabas left for Derbe where many believed and became disciples.
    They returned Lystra, Antioch, and Iconium to strengthen the disciples.  Paul's experience was meant to encourage their faith during hardships.  He did not let his near death experience stop him from doing what God called him to do.  
    Part of church planting is preparing the people what to expect from the world.  The purpose is to make disciples, but what use are disciples that are not prepared.  Paul and Barnabas appointed elders in every church to keep the church running smoothly.  They prayed and fasted over each church, then committed them to God.  
    Once the work was completed they returned to Antioch, their home base.  They reported back all that had happened.  Again it was meant to encourage the overall church.  Reporting back should encourage others to step out on faith and serve.  They stayed with the disciples for a considerable time.

Acts 14

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