Saturday, January 7, 2023



    When you live in faith, there is no room for tradition.  Tradition chains you back down to the way the world choses to live life.  You escaped once you made that leap of faith.  Traditions can be comforting, but they can also keep you from growing.
    When it comes to church it is wrong to tell a new believer that they have to change to fit.  The Holy Spirit will mold them and change them to become the person He wants.  We can direct in what is right and wrong, but we have no right inflict our way of life on other people.  Just because it works for you, does not mean it will work for them.  We all have to work out our salvation for ourselves.
    Paul and Barnabas had a very direct approach.  For Christians, circumcision is of the heart, not so much the body.  There are hygiene benefits for circumcision, but men do not have to be circumcised to be a Christian.  If a person feels let to be circumcised, then we do not need to stop them, but we also don't need to force them.  The way we live our lives will tell the world if our heart is circumcised or not.
    Allow the Holy Spirit do his thing.  He doesn't need you to do His job for him.  He has given you your own job, so focus on that.  Allow him to purify your heart.  If you do, then you don't need to worry about disputes on how to be the best Christian.  As your heart changes you will not be so concerned about burdening other people with instruction on how to live their lives.
    A new Christian needs to be restored, so the mature Christians need to guide them gently.  This is how Barnabas and Silas became missionaries to the Gentiles.  They knew how to be gentle and get Jesus' message across to people that may have never heard of him.
    As the missionaries moved on from a city church, they did not leave them alone.  They still wrote letters of instruction and encouragement.  They understood that they were still learning how to be a Christian.  It is not a way of life that comes natural.  We have to learn it.  The missionaries taught rules, not tradition.  There is a difference.  Rules establish boundaries which gives freedom to live a healthy and happy lifestyle.  Tradition establishes desired actions that can burden other people.
    When people don't understand the difference between boundaries and tradition, there is normally disputes.  Instead of arguing, lead each other in love with peace.  Encourage and strengthen each other instead of being stubborn.  Follow up with the people that you lead to Jesus.  Don't just leave them in the world to figure everything out along the way.  
    Disagreements are normal.  It is how relationships figure out how they are going to work.  The key is to listen and speak in a way that you will be heard.  Even Christians have disputes among themselves. Sometimes you will need to separate and go your own way.  God can use conflict to push you out of your comfort zone, so don't think that it is wrong.  You can always pray for the relationship to find it's way back when the timing is right.  The goal is to serve God and he will establish healthy relationships along the way.  That also means sticking up for what you believe.

Acts 15


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      Communion is a church word to describe the Lord's Supper.  It is a sacrament that involves eating bread and drinking wine or juice...