Sunday, January 8, 2023



    Evangelism is going out and making disciples using the tools you have on hand.  It is spreading God's Word through preaching and personal testimony.  It is something that every Christian can and should do.  It is going out to where the "sinners" dwell to bring them into Jesus' family by teaching them a new way.
    Timothy was man with a Jewish mother and Greek father.  He was spoken well of by everyone.  His connections to both the religious and heathen world gave him a special opportunity to evangelize.  He help strengthen the church in faith and numbers.  He listened to the Holy Spirit within his conscience and mind to guild him.  This kept him from losing his direction.  
    The Holy Spirit has a purpose for you.  He has a reason to have you where you are right now in life, even if you do not understand.  Be open and listen to his message to you.  Do not ignore the wisdom that women bring to the table.  We may just have something worth while to say and contribute to worship.  No one should be dismissed due to their sex or race.
    Help people where ever you are in any compacity that you can help.  Help people that may feel like it is a waste of time to help.  There will always be takers in the world that will take advantage and take as much as you are willing to give without giving anything in return.  There are always those that will punish or take advantage of your open and transparent heart.  They will twist the good that you do to try to hurt you.  However, there are some that may just have a hard heart and each time you help, it chips away.  You never know how far your giving heart can go in changing a person's life.
    If you claim to be a Christian, then the world is watching.  Most are just waiting for you to mess up, so they can say I told you that they are all hypocrites or worse.  However, some people will watch and see you change and grow in a way that will touch their heart.  You living testimony could bring them to Jesus.  
    Never give up on doing what is right and encouraging, even if following Jesus takes you places that you never wanted to go.  However, understanding your rights and the laws of where you are at can help you along the way.  Even your citizenship can be a tool in Evangelism.

Acts 16

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