Saturday, January 14, 2023

Testimony Under Trial


    Paul lived out his testimony no matter the cost.  He did not deny God even if it would set him free.  When he was being persecuted, arrested, and in tried he used that as a time to profess his faith in a new way, for a new audience.
    Paul was an intellect.  He used his knowledge of language to communicate his testimony to people that may not have heard it or understood it otherwise.  Even among other people that know more than one language, there is something that grabs your attention when someone starts speaking your native language.
    Paul did not act self-righteous or entitled when he was in trial, but he did not hold back his intellect either.   He began by declaring his citizenship.  He told them why he was in the city which disclaimed his charges (teaching to discard God's Law).  He confessed his own sins to a crowd to reveal where he came from, but ultimately was a testimony of how God had changed his life.  
    Paul knew his purpose in this world and he was going to fulfill it even if it killed him.  That is why it is vital to figure out your purpose in life.  What are you willing to die for?  How will you live out your testimony?
    God had sent Paul to the Gentiles.  That means God allowed Paul to be put under trial for his faith.  In my opinion God placed Paul there so that people could see him live out his testimony no matter the cost.  This trial was with a Roman commander who wanted to know the truth of what was happening in his city.  Paul being smart and quick thinking was prepared.  Being prepared is a huge advantage especially dealing with people who are not prepared.  He knew his rights and how to use them.

Acts 22

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