Sunday, January 15, 2023

Faith on Trial


    Life as a Christian is a life that is put under trial even if you never step in a court room.  Some places you can be killed for your faith.  Other places you are merely judged or treated differently.  Either way, it comes to how strong your faith is on how you will handle these situations.
    Don't speak evil against your leaders, even when you know they are doing evil.  You do not need to speak evil to your leaders to call them out for doing evil.  You have to lead by example no matter how much you may not want to.  How you chose to live your life could make a difference.  
    Paul understood how all the religious and government politics worked.  He used his knowledge and the wisdom that God had given him to represent God.  He did nothing wrong.  It was his faith and how he declared his faith that made people angry to the point that they wanted him dead.  However, Paul was not worried.  God had come to him happy with his testimony and told him that he needed to do it again in Rome.
    Paul had informants to keep him in the loop of what was really going on in Jerusalem.  This is how he new about the conspiracy to kill him and that he was being transported to Caesarea for his own protection.  Jerusalem was not safe for him.  They moved him in the night in hopes that no one would find out and try to kill him in the transition.  He had 200 guards to guarantee his safety.  .
    In Caesarea, Paul was kept in Herod's Palace under the protection of the Governor, Felix, because he was a Roman by birth.  His nationality was Roman.  His culture and religion was Jew.  His education made him a Pharisee.  He became a part of Jesus' family making him a Christian.  All titles applied to him, but Christian defined him. 

Acts 23

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