Saturday, February 25, 2023

Covenant Ministry


    Your life is your testimony. The way you live your life tells the world what your relationship with Jesus is really about.  It is your letter of recommendation among other believers.  You don't have to be in church to worship God, but it is important to be involved and around other Christians in a church environment.  Your whole life should be worship and church filled, even when you are not in the doors of a physical church.
    When you live life with other believers of Jesus you write your story in their lives and vise versa.  You can't be a part of someone's life and not have impact.  It is the Holy Spirit that gives that impact life.  We can't live out the Christian lifestyle apart from Him.  It is impossible, but with Him nothing is impossible.  The more faith you have the more alive you are.  The more your life is changed by the Holy Spirit.
    The covenant (or new covenant) ministry is the ministry of living out righteousness.  It came to pass when the old covenant passed away to bring to life the covenant that Jesus make with his life.  It is teaching the church and the world what rightness means and how it changes your life.  It is glory that surpasses life and can't ever be destroyed.  It gives the heart hope which emboldens the person to speak up and live boldly.  
    This ministry teaches how to remove the veil that separates you from God.  It removes the armor from your heart so that the Holy Spirit can clean house and open it up to let the light and fresh air in.  He turns your heart and soul into His home which make you feel more at home in your own skin.  The more room you make for the Holy Spirit the more angst in life goes away.
    Turn to God about your life questions.  The more mysteries he reveals to you the deeper you will dig.  It is okay to ask the hard questions as long as you are willing to truly seek the answers and change your way of thinking when they begin to reveal themselves.  Christians were never meant to become stagnant or complacent about life.  
    The Holy Spirit drives us to grow.  He gives you a freedom that the world will never understand until they learn true faith.  He shows us our true face and who we are capable of being.  The more we become like Jesus, them more we are transformed to look like Jesus.  This is not a physical change, but a radiance or peacefulness as we display God's glory for all to see.  

1 Corinthians 3

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