Saturday, February 11, 2023

Immorality in the Church


    When we become Christians one of the first things we need to learn about is God's expectations of us controlling our own body.  This includes sex, what we put into our body, what we say, and how we treat our body.  It is the church's responsibility to teach these hard topics and to uphold them through church discipline.
    Sexual immorality is not something to be proud of.  God created our bodies sacred for worship.  That means that our body is a holy temple that needs to stay pure and clean.  When we hurt our body in any form, we should grieve because we have grieved the Holy Spirit.  Our body is the most precious gift from God in this life.  It is the only permanent thing while you are alive.
    God will judge sexual immorality.  The Spirit sees all that you do to your body and what you feed your mind (toxicity or holy).  He knows even if you have everyone else fooled.  You can't fool God.  If you refuse to change, then expect to he handed over to Satan that will lavish your impure desires.  Our sinful nature has the power to destroy all that is good in our lives.  That is why we have to destroy our sinful nature.
    Boasting about what you have and accomplished in life is a sin.  You may have more than other people, but it can cause more harm than good to rub it in the faces of people's who may not be blessed in that area.  When you are saved from your sins, you get a fresh start.  Not everything in your life changes, but you can use what you have to build other people up instead of focusing on building yourself up.
    You can have people in around you that are not Christians, but it is better to only have other strong believers close to you in life.  Your closest relationships need to understand where you are coming from or at least try to.  People that do not have the Christian perspective just are not capable to meeting those bonded needs.  That is why when you are a Christian you are expected to only date and marry other Christians.  
    Don't judge those who do not believe as you for not meeting your expectations because they can't.  They don't even know how.  Their fate is sealed.  They don't need your condemnation while they are still alive.  Instead pray over them and keep trying to introduce them to Jesus.  The only thing worse is when the people of the world act more like Christians than the Christians.

1 Corinthians 5

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