Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Not the Finale


    The Finale is judgment day.  That is the day that we all face judgment and those that rejected God all their live will be sent to the pit.  That is the finale for their hope.  While the faithful go live eternity with Him.  Our hope lives forever.
    God does not reject people, people reject God.  A person is a remnant if they chose to live by grace, not works.  That is a life of faith.  You may not see the reward.  You may not understand how it is benefitting you, but you know that God is not going to let anything be useless or meaningless.  Either you accept God's grace or you don't.  His grace is unmerited favor.  This favor gives the elect (Christians) access to Him.
    God may remove things from your life, but it is normally because they have caused you to stumble or you are headed toward a spiritual fall.  He is trying to protect you from yourself and the enemy.  Even Christians stumble.  It does not mean you lost your salvation.  
    A Christian that fell is not ideal, but it is what you do after that matters more.  Ask for forgiveness from God, turn from that sin, and start moving forward again.  It may take more time with the people that may be involved.  However, if you hurt people, then you need to take the time to make it right.
    It is better to have nothing in this world and go to heaven than to have everything you want and go to hell.  Stand firm in your faith.  Let go of all arrogance.  Consider God's kindness, mercy, and love.  It may come across stern, but it is eternity that He is talking about.  We don't just no exist after death.  There is an eternal life and it is foolish to pretend that there is not.  A hard heart will not enter Heaven.
    God has given us gifts and a calling in life.  This does not change on if you are obedient or not.  However, you will only see the blessings if you are obedient.  We all need mercy.  We just need to see that we need mercy.   This mercy comes in the form of a new covenant made through Jesus's life, sacrifice, and resurrection.
    No one understands God completely, but the more you invest into Him the more He reveals Himself to you and the more you can understand.  You just need to want to know Him.  We do know that the finale is coming and on that day all who do not have faith will be cut away (from all that did have faith) to never have the experience of God again.

Romans 11

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