Friday, February 3, 2023

Primary Duty


    As a Christian we are supposed to submit to authority.  That is not always easy because a lot of our authority is not leading in a Biblical manner.  Some leaders go directly against what the Bible says.  This is where discernment wisdom comes in.  Follow the human leadership to the point that it does not go directly against God's laws.  If they do, then follow God's laws, but in a manner that is still respectful to the human leader's position.  
    God established authority, so to intentionally go against it is to go against Him.  To rebel against authority because you think you are right, better, or just angry is to rebel against God.  In the manner you oppose authority matters.  If you do it with evil in your heart, then be afraid of God's wrath.  It is His job to take care of leaders that abuse their position, not yours.
    Allow the Holy Spirit to direct your conscience to direct you in the interactions in this world.  Pay the government what is theirs (taxes) and pay God what is due to Him (tithe).  You may dish out more money than the people of the world, but you are rewarded and taken care of in return in a way they are not.  
    Don't let your debt go unpaid.  Instead of procrastinating, go out of your way to pay anything that you owe off as quickly as possible.  All these are duties of a Christian that mark us with integrity and makes it where people want to conduct business with us.  Live as a community and you will not owe anyone anything.  Pay everything forward with love.  Love needs to be to motivator.
    The primary duty of a Christian is to love in purity and transparently.  In all you do, do out of love for the Law that God established.  True love does not hurt anyone, but treats each person as a creation of God.  In loving people, you are loving God.  When you love God's way, then it covers all of His other laws making it easy to obey.  True love fulfills His laws.  It is the one thing you will never stop giving.
    It is time to wake up.  Time is running out.  We need to act with urgency instead of wasting time.  We need to show more people what a relationship with God is really like.  Put on your armor of God.  Let people see His light through you.  Cloth yourself in Jesus' thinking and way of life.  That way you don't have any space to think about gratifying your sinful nature.  Trust the Holy Spirit to renew your mind and follow His direction.

Romans 13

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