Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Role of Serving God


    When you accept Jesus' gift of salvation, it is only the beginning.  You are excepted to have changes in your life.  Your heart changes and so the way you do things should change too.  It may be subtle at first, but over time it should be lasting change as you become a mature Christian.  Don't settle for just getting in the doors of Heaven.  Work hard to serve God now.
    The more you mature in your relationship with God the more you turn away from the worldly ways of life.  We are meant to be workers for God.  That requires your perspectives on life to change.  You respect yourself better.  You respect other's better.  
    Your heart is ready to lay the foundation of Jesus out for other people to learn and understand.  Lay the foundation of Jesus's plan out to other people using your skill set and personality, so that they can see Him alive in your life.  This is how you build God's church.
    God will build His church with or without you.  Don't you want to be a part of something so special?  Don't you want to be involved in something where you fit?  Don't you want to work with other people that have the same passion in life as you do?  It means you have to get involved.  It means that you have to put yourself out there.  It means you will have to step out of your comfort zone to get what your soul really needs out of life.
    All Christians are a part of Jesus' church.  When we come together we can feel the full power of the Holy Spirit.  Some call it a spiritual high.  It will do more for you than any drug or other substance that you could take to altar your mental or emotional state.  This is why we willingly become servants of God.  It is out of love more than duty.  It brings character and wisdom to understand that the wisdom of the world is foolishness.
    Anyone who goes against God's church will be destroyed because we are His church.  What He designs or creates is sacred.  It needs to be treated as sacred.  That means the earth, sky, universe, water, animals, and even people are sacred.  All natural things should be treated with the respect you would treat God.  That means all life matters.  The Word of God is trying to show us how to love and respect His design.

1 Corinthians 3

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