Monday, March 13, 2023

Christian Community


    A Christian should never be on their own.  They should be a part of a community.  A community is more than church once or twice a week.  It is living life together.  It is sharing each other's burdens so that they are no so heavy.  It is being able to be vulnerable and still feel safe.
    When it comes to restoring a fellow Christian from a sinful lifestyle or habit, then we need to be careful.  If they are at a place that they are willing to admit that their choices were sinful, then they are ready to take responsibility.  Do not punish them more.  Church discipline is meant for those that will not admit that sin is sin.  It should still be handled with love, but it is necessary to protect the rest of the community.  Otherwise the message is that sin is acceptable and it is not.
    With the people that do take responsibility be gentle, but keep your guard up.  We are to love each other as we love ourselves.  This is what Jesus did, but it can leave you vulnerable if you are not careful.  Just because the sinning Christian want to change, it doesn't mean that change will be immediate.  
    If you get too close without your guard up, then you too could fall into sin before you even realize it is happening.  Test yourself before you dive in completely.  You can help and still hold onto healthy boundaries.  For an example a person that has overcome addiction should not go back to the place of addiction.  
    It unnecessarily leaves them vulnerable to fall back into the sin.  Over time with other Christians, then they may be able to go back and be safe from the temptation.  If you consider yourself superior, then you are setting yourself up for a fall.   If you consider yourself weak, then you won't even try.  You have to find the balance and maintain it with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Life is a marathon.  It requires determination and endurance.
    Do not be deceived.  It is a choice to sin and to follow Christ.  It is a choice to let yourself become vulnerable to the point that sin doesn't look like sin.  You have to be careful and know your limitations and boundary lines.  You never need to apologize for your boundaries because they are there to protect you.  As you mature and work with other Christians, then some of the boundary lines could change a little, but the point is that they are there to protect your relationship with Jesus.
    Choose to do good without causing trouble.  Work together as a community, so that none of you burn out.  If you try to do it on you own, you will not last very long.  God created us to need each other, even the introverts need relationships and help.  Don't become weary By trying to keep God's law by your own standards (alone) or you can't do good.  If you do, then you will miss all the benefits of seeing the work come together and flourish.  You will miss the good it does for you.    If you work together and persevere, then you will flourish under God's grace.  
    Salvation is a personal relationship with Jesus, but it is lived out as a community.  Jesus was crucified for our sins.  Do not take that for granted.  However, he did have his community with him during his entire ministry.  He never had to do it alone.  If Jesus, who is God, needed community, then what makes us think that we do not?  We are his ambassadors to the world.  How can we do the job well, if we are not willing to follow his example?  Don't give up.  Face persecution together to help the church endure.

Galatians 6

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