Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Pray for Spiritual Insight


   Prayer is a gift from God which makes it a blessing.  That is why praying for spiritual insight is a guarantee that things in your life will happen to shift your perspective.  Your eye will be opened.  Prayer is powerful because it is more than a blessing.  It is direct communication with God.
    Be faithful to Jesus in all you do.  Live a life of grace and peace where you can to honor him if not for yourself.  He has blessed you.  Take a moment and think about all the ways that you are special.  That is blessing.  If you are not able to see it yet, then that is okay.  Pray for God to open your eyes to see yourself the way He sees you.  The truth about why you are special will come.  Just give it time.  He works behind the scenes, so you may not see change right away, but then all of a sudden it is evident.
    Christians are blessed in every way.  We are adopted into the most supreme family.  Jesus who was blameless took on all of our sin so that his love could make us blameless.  He offers everyone redemption and forgiveness.  If we accept, then we are a part of his family.  This is doxology: what God has done and the expression it brings forth in the form of worship. praise, and honor.
    God lavishes providing us with wisdom.  All we have to do is ask and sometimes He will give it to us even if we do not ask.  However, once you have a taste, then you will want more.  Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding all work together.  The more you learn the more you have to build upon and the more you will grow.
    All things happen in God's timing: life, death, and all the moments in the middle.  He chose you before he even created the world.  How special is that?  He loved us before we were put on this earth.  Each soul is special and unique, even before it is born.  He created us to be pure and full of blameless love.  The world is cursed, but the power of prayer is stronger than any curse.  We may struggle because of the curse, but it is still a glorious life.  We should give him glory for all life.  His timing is perfect.  
    Faith and love work together to make thanksgiving and build on prayers.  Your spirit just needs to ask for wisdom and revelation to know the Holy Spirit better.  Ask for enlightenment to understand yourself better.  He is what unlocks our inheritance for us.  This includes your rights, privileges, and duties to God.
    Allow your hope to grow so that you are enriched.  Faith is a powerful thing that strengthens you, but love and hope give your faith more depth.  Faith without love is dead.  The power that rose Jesus from the dead lives within you.  With that knowledge, live your life with purpose.  Allow His love to give life to your life.

Ephesians 1

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