Saturday, March 18, 2023

Christian Culture


    Christians are who build the Christian culture and we need to be building it to look like how Jesus lived in the world.  We need to live like he is still physically here working right next to us every day.  The Christian culture has no power if we forget who it is all about.  Our goal is to be more like God every day by living out His love.  He loves sacrificially.
    It starts with controlling our mind and body.  We have to remove all sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, or greediness from our mind and out body will follow.  Anything that God finds improper has to go.  Once you have control over yourself, then you can better give your whole self to God.  You can live a life of thanksgiving.      
    Do not allow your mind to be deceived by empty words and promises of  things being better.  If you call into Satan's traps, then your life never gets better.  It may be nice for a short time, but it all falls apart too quickly.  It is never worth what you will lose.  Disobedience always has a cost. 
    If you live in the light of God, then there is no room for the darkness.  Stay in the warm light that give s the soul life and allows it to grow.  God's love in your life produces goodness, righteousness, and truth.  It will pour out of you to give to other people.  
    Live a transparent life and no one will have anything to use against you that hold any validity.  Your life is exposed and visible for all to see.  It is wise to live carefully while making the most of every opportunity to understand God and help other people understand Him.  
    Allow yourself to be filled with the Holy Spirit and your life will hold music.  You will feel it in your heart and sing it in your thanksgiving.  All you have to do is submit to reverent love that He is offering you every moment of every day.  Is it really hard to submit to love?
    In your relationships, work to make each other look good.  It is not beneficial for anyone to tear anyone else down.  It should be done out of love, even for those you do not like, to take care of each other.  The Christian culture is about taking care of each other and never leaving anyone out in the world to feel alone and uncared for.  
    Marriage is just a step up from other relationship with the unbreakable unity that is held together by God.   Marriage is where a man and a woman come together united and work as one person.  They take care of each other, so  that the flesh does not cause them to wonder.  Marriage is meant to be love, sanctified, and cleansed to represent salvation.  It is an union bond to never be broken.  It is not a hollow breakable relationship based on feelings.  It is not heterosexual unions, polygamy, adulterous (open), or any other worldly sexual expression.
    It is 100% in on both parts and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you together as one person in love and respect.   You both will have to sacrifice your own desires for the other.  It is never a one way relationship or if it is, then it will not survive.  You treat the marriage like church where God is the focus and the power behind your unity.  The church culture does not have to have the divorce rate that it does.  We just need to learn what is expected and be determined to use the marriage to honor God.  

Ephesians 5

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