Monday, March 27, 2023

Christian Talk


    Christian talk starts with how you talk to yourself.  Do you treat yourself like a cherished person loved by God?  Or do you treat yourself in the manner the of how the world tells you your worth?  God cares more about attitude than action because how your mind works leads to action.  If you can't see your own worth through God, how can you speak worth into the world?
    Treat the people around you or under your authority fairly.  You know who the judge is in Heaven, so treat people well so that you can face that judge with a clear conscience.  When things will not come out in a scenario where everyone will be happy, then you need to know that you did your best to do right by everyone.  Being fair is not always easy.  It starts with prayer.
    We need to devote ourselves to prayer to be fully aware of the Holy Spirit at all times.  We need to be watchful while holding thanksgiving in our hearts.  Part of having the right attitude is having the ability to see what God has given you and being thankful for it.  It is also about staying alert, so that you can identify the doors that God open for you.  
    Pray that God's Word will spread clearly to all nations.  The more people accept Jesus the stronger the Christian community will be.  It will influence the world to be more like Jesus.  We know the truth.  More people than not will reject Jesus, but we still need to try to give as many people the opportunity to have a relationship with Jesus as possible.  The ones that do, we need to invest our time and energy into teaching Jesus' expectations.  Don't bring someone to Christ and then just leave them to figure things out on their own.
    Pray that you use every opportunity that God opens up for you to show people who Jesus is and tell them about salvation.  Use the wisdom and grace that the Holy Spirit has given you to be a light in this world.  Complete the work that you have been given with a ready heart and perseverance.  

Colossians 4

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