Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Christian Life


    The Christian life is a life with Jesus in it.  It is a life that is willing to be bold and different in this world.  It is a life that will not be satisfied with status quo.  The Christian wants God to be seen in all that they do.  They seek the things from above instead of settling for the things of this world.
    Set your heart on the things above, not the earthly things that will distract your purpose for this world.  This is true spiritual living that removes sinful cravings.  This means that you have to put to death your human (sinful) nature every morning until it is no longer a tug for your heart.  
    It is important that we put to death sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, and idolatry now and not wait for Jesus' return.  Once you conquer the surface of the issues, then you and the Holy Spirit can start cleaning out the root of the sinful nature until it is uprooted and replaced with peace.  
    Christians believe in God's wrath.  We understand His love, but we never lose site that His wrath on disobedience will hold the world accountable.  This is why we need to rid ourselves of sins that will make us ignore the truth about God.  We have to rid ourselves of consuming anger, rage, malice, slander, and bad language.  If you can conquer your tongue, then you can conquer anything.  That means no lies, slander, gossip, or cruel words.  
    Christians have to be honest with each other with what we struggle with, so that we can help each other be better.  It takes prayer, perseverance, and love to replace the sinful and destructive behavior with characteristics of the Holy Spirit.  We all need help becoming our new selves.  It takes renewal of knowledge and growing wisdom to become more like our Creator.
    Characteristics of the Holy Spirit that we need to adopt to be Holy are kindness, compassion, humility, gentleness, patience, and the desire to forgive.  These characteristics are built up through love.  God loves us with agape love, so we are trying to love like He loves.  
    This love rules over all aspects of life and binds you in perfect unity with other Christians and God.  Allow yourself to be taught in wisdom and admonished in a loving manner when you do sin.  It all comes down to the heart condition.
    Let the peace of Jesus' heart rule your heart through gratitude.  If you can't find gratitude in life, then you will never discover true lasting peace.  Be thankful for all that he has given you.  In all the work that you do in life (employment, charity, or just being with people) do it with all your heart in God's name.  
    In the home the wife submits to her husband as he submits to God.  The husband need to love the wife in a manner that honors God.  If the husband is bitter toward the wife, then the entire family falls apart.  Children are required to obey their parents as they learn how to obey God.  That means that the parents need to treat their children in a manner that will not push them away from God or the parents will be held accountable to God.
    God does not have favorites.  He loves us all with agape love.  This means you need to allow your love to be true and pure to show the world what God is all about.  We are all free in Christ even if we are not free in the world.  
    Just never forget that your inheritance is waiting for you in Heaven, so that you don't forget why you work so hard here and now.  Don't worry about the wrongdoers.  God will take care of them.

Colossians 3

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