Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Facing Opposition


    To face opposition is to stand firm for what you believe in.  When you stand firm on the foundation of Jesus, there will always be people to oppose you.  It is how you handle that opposition that matters.
    The first question you have to ask yourself is what do I believe and why?  The second question is how can I make that faith stronger?  Once you dig into the Bible and get the answers that you are looking for, then you need to go deeper with the questions.  One to start with here is do I have the conviction to stand firm against opposition for what I believe?  Do I dare speak the Gospel when I know that people will not like me for it?  The answers will tell you what kind of life you will lead.
    Do not live your life to please people.  We are fickle creatures always changing in moods, emotions, feelings, and even at times the way we think.  If you try to please people, then you like will be like a person being pulled around in a turbulent ocean at the mercy of the people around you.  It is a better life to face opposition for what you believe in than just being a pawn in life.
    Test your own heart to know what it can withstand and where you need to pray for strength.  If you are a Christian, then you are a witness for God.  That means it is your responsibility to tell the world about Him in the way you speak, act, and live.  
    When facing opposition you need to remember not to take things personally, let things get under your skin, or allow anger to respond.  Being the representative of God means letting go of all the human response systems and responding like Jesus.  That means be gentle with the people opposing you.  They may be opposing you from a place of woundedness.  A wounded person, like a wild animal, can be dangerous, but they need the wound treated.  This is why you handle them carefully.
    Work hard not to be a burden upon anyone.  Christians should share each other's burdens, but that means we carry our share too.  Don't hand it all off onto someone else.  If you can take care of your own needs, then do so without asking for extra help.  Basically, it is okay to ask for help, but don't be needy or greedy.  Don't be harsh to add to another person's problems.  Instead be encouraging, a comfort, and urge each other to live a worthy of God.  Hostility is opposition to God.  Our goal is to be imitators of God.
    Thank God for His Word.  The access we have to God is unfathomable and yet so many people act like He is not there.  We all suffer.  Don't blame God for your hard times.  He created a perfect world.  We are the ones that destroyed it.  We made a world of opposition that is influenced mainly by Satan and his minions.  He wants to stop all that is good from God in it's tracks.  
    Are you going to let him?  Don't focus on what is wrong.  Focus on your hope, joy, and the glory of being in God's presence.  Nothing you endure is for nothing.  God will use it for His good.  Don't give Satan the glory of winning.  After all his name means adversary.  Fight him with thanksgiving in your heart.

1Thessalonians 2

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