Thursday, March 30, 2023

Pray for the Church


    When you pray for people start with the lost.  Pray that God will open their eyes to the truth in the way that they need to see and hear it.  Then pray for the people you love and the church.  It is important not to forget to pray for the church because we are under attack.  
    Pray for the church to be strengthened and encouraged during our trials.  The church is the believers that follow Jesus, not the building.  It is great if you are able to have a building full of believers, but in reality it goes far beyond that.  We need our faith strengthened to face the world and represent God well.  We need encouragement, so that we do not burn out and fall ourselves.
    The church is supposed to help each other and the community.  We need to help other believers get strong in the areas that they are lacking.  No one is perfect, but together we are strong.  We have to trust God through the process.  He will clear a path and strengthen your heart along the way, but He will rarely show you what is coming.  You have to follow faithfully with complete trust while living blameless and Holy in love and prayer.
    Do not let Satan lead you astray.  Do not allow all your efforts be for nothing.  Never lose sight of your faith and why you need it.  Jesus is the good news in a dark world.  He is the only one that can bring you the light of hope.  Do not lose sight of that in times of distress, affliction, persecution.  Instead hold onto the joy that only He can provide.

1 Thessalonians 3

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