Friday, March 31, 2023


    Sanctification is the act of making someone holy.  It is the process of being freed from sin.  It is what makes a person pure and morally right or acceptable.  In the Old Testament it was a literal process, but after Jesus sacrificed himself it got a lot simpler.  You are sanctified the moment you accept the truth and decide to live on faith.  After that it is just maintenance and keeping your life aligned with His.
    We are expected to work to live.  It is wrong to live a life of hand outs if you are able to work.  If you are in a situation where you cannot find a way to make money honestly or without jeopardizing your body, then it is up to the church to take care of you, not the government.  It is important to learn the quality of life that work will provide as long as you do it to please God.  
    Keep your body holy to please God, not out of fear or duty.  You do it because holiness is how you honor God.  It is what keeps you separate from the world.  If you reject this concept, then you reject the Holy Spirit.  To live a sanctified life is to keep yourself pure and holy.  That means you do not get involved with incest, rape, premarital sex, homosexuality, bestiality, or adultery.  You control your desires, not vise versa.   To not control your body violates the Holiness that Jesus gave you.
     God's point is for us to be sanctified.  Work gives that context and a way to live out your new Holy Life, but it all begins with a relationship with Jesus.  Then you listen to the Holy Spirit to stay sanctified.  You get to encounter God once you get to Heaven.
    To live a sanctified life is to keep control over your own body.  That includes your mind.  Most sin begins with the eyes.  If you can control your eyes and mouth, then you can control your body and avoid sin.  Don't give into passions that will lead you away from your relationship with Jesus.  
    Make it your ambition to live a quiet (drama free) life.  We have television.  If you need drama, then watch tv.  You will find it there and you can still keep it out of your life, but again be careful what you watch so it wont lead you down a road you really don't want to go down.  
    A quiet life that focuses on what you do day to day is a full and joyful life.  You can appreciate the small things and see God at work when you are not distracted by all the other stuff.  This life earns you the respect of people that are watching.  It also gives a little independence because you don't have to rely on people to have what you want in life.  It all comes from God.  
    The most important thing about sanctification is your relationship with God (Trinity).  Do not allow yourself to be ignorant about your faith.  You need to understand what you are standing for and why.  You need to be able to encourage other people in their faith.  You can't do that if you don't understand it yourself.  You have hope, so don't live a life like you are already dead.  Live a fully sanctified life like you are headed toward Heaven.

1 Thessalonians 4

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