Monday, March 20, 2023

Living the Gospel


    All Christians have a role in living out the Gospel.  In the church, the overseers, deacons, and saints serve God with grace and peace.  They can help you find your purpose in the church and in life, but the main source is the Gospel and Holy Spirit.  It all starts with faith and perseverance through all of life's obstacles to build a genuine relationship with Jesus.  
    Thank God for each person in your church community.  Pray for them joyfully.  Be confident of the Gospel's completion, so that you can live free from condemnation.  Hold each other in your hearts with affection because the church family can be more family to you than your blood relatives.  
    Pray the your love abounds as you gain more knowledge (book and street smarts) and insight.  Pray that this gives you discernment and not Sinicism.  Discernment is a moral sensitivity to what is right.  It is so easy to see all that is wrong in the world and forget that God is still here working.  Not everyone has an angle.  Some people are genuine, but still mess up.  They need love and sensitivity to get back on track, not a "that is what I thought" or "I told you so".
      Use discernment to live pure (personal integrity) and blameless (good Christian character), so that you can help other people become fruitful for Christ.  You may find persecution as you advance the Gospel and encourage other people.  Use the persecution to glorify God.  Face it courageously without fear.  What He starts within you will not stop until it is completed.  
    We are here to defend the Gospel, not live as royalty.  We are his soldiers meant to be obedient to His commands and at the same time we are His witnesses.  To live the Gospel is to live like a servant and reap the rewards of faithfulness after you enter Heaven.  Live a sincere life with yourself, God, and the people around you. 
    Rejoice in God's Word no matter the motives of other people.  God will come through His Word no matter who is speaking it.  False motives will be revealed eventually, so you don't have to concern yourself with that.  There is always envy and rivalry.  Stay as far away from it as you can.
    Do not focus on how your life can be better and what you can get out of it.  This is a new concept for some, but Jesus placed us here and now to serve one another.  Work for the progression of other people, not the profit.  God doesn't care about money.  He only cares about what you do with that money.  Use it joyfully and faithfully for whatever purpose the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.  Never be ashamed for how God has chosen for you to live.  
    Work together in one Spirit, as one person.  This is how you will have impact on the world.  This is how you can live without fear because you know you are not alone.  We all have struggles.  We all suffer.  You just don't have to struggle or be in pain alone if you live our the Gospel.  Focus on growing in agape love.  

Philippians 1

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