Sunday, April 2, 2023

Judgement & Glory

    Today is Palm Sunday.  We are entering the Holy Week.  It is time to think about faith and what it means.  It is the time to focus on the inner peace that Jesus gave us on the cross.  It is time to ask questions of ourselves so that we can glorify God. 
    Why are we expected to grow in faith?  Isn't just believing enough?  Why should I put in any more effort when the world already demands so much?  Are you worthy of God's glory?  These are questions that you have to figure out for yourself with the help of the Bible and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
    God is more than just judgment.  His judgment actually comes from a place of love.  I say that because He is the creator of love and love is what is good in the world.  Love that has not been perverted enables you to endure anything.
    As you enjoy your relationship with Jesus this week push yourself to lean in a little more.  Ask question that are hanging out in the back of your mind that you have for Him.  Pursue Him like your life depends on in it.  It may just invite persecution into your life, but love is more powerful than hate.  You can face any persecution or affliction if you are strong in faith.  You will be counted as worthy if you endure the righteous judgment. 
    You may face trails, but Jesus actually died for you.  He is right there with you in every single trial.  Can you really turn away because it is too hard?  With him it isn't too hard, it is just beyond difficult.  If you understand what you believe and why, then you can endure.  If you endure the fires of judgment it is because you surrendered all of yourself to Jesus and the Gospel.  Your selfish nature will die to bring God glory just like Jesus died on the cross.
    Those that do not have genuine faith will not survive the trials.  The penalty of embracing the world instead of God is eternal destruction.  You will not be able to endure facing God if you do not build that relationship and endure hardship now.  It is never easy for anyone, but it does build strength of spirit and character to glorify God.  Each time you endure it strengthens your testimony and will help other people endure.  This is why you should never cease in praying.
    The Holy Spirit is with you in every situation.  He gives you relief when you need it.  He gives you the ability to pray through the pain.  Faith is what prompts the good within you to drive your purpose to glorify God in your life.  Either way, God will be glorified.

2 Thessalonians 1

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