Monday, April 3, 2023



    Do not let the world unsettle you.  You know that we live in a world that is Satan's playground, but it is only temporary.  Do not be deceived.  God has already won.  He could clean it up with it being spoken, but He created this world for us.  He wants us to live and enjoy life.  You can enjoy life and still stay Holy.
    The Day that Jesus returns will not come until the day the man of lawlessness is revealed.  The lawlessness of the world is reigned in by the lawless one.  His destruction will come to an end and his doom will begin.  He tries to exalt himself as God, but it is all a lie.  Do not listen to people who claim to be God.  Do not be deceived into worshiping a false god.  The anti-christ will be revealed by the rebellion in his wake.  Satan's opposition to what is righteous will be revealed.
    Unbelievers will perish for believing the lies of Satan.  They are getting their eternal glory here and now.  Their eternity is not going to be pleasant.  They delight in wickedness now, but will suffer for it later.  They will be caught up with the show that he gives that they will not even notice that they have doomed themselves.  To delight in the righteousness is to curse yourself.  The time of attention will be short lived.
    Thank God for the gift of salvation.  Thank Him for the support system of other believers.  Thank God for sanctified work and the ability to share in His glory.  Stand firm in His teachings.  Encourage one another's hearts to do good deeds and speak life. The more you embrace the Holy Spirit the more like Christ you will become and less likely to be deceived.  If you walk with God in faith, then you have nothing to worry about on the day that Jesus returns to gather His people.

2 Thessalonians 2

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